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What is first love? First love is someone that sweeps you off your feet and makes you feel like you're everything to them. First love, is someone you can never forget, no matter how hard you try. Sehun's first love was Kim EunHa. It was the night of December 10, 2009, Sehun and EunHa was at her family's cabin. They were outside throwing snowballs at each other, "Okay, okay. Let's call a truce" Sehun said with his hands up. She got out from behind the tree with a snowball behind her back, slowly walking towards Sehun. "After this" she said before throwing the snowball in his face. She broke out into laughter, "Now we're even" she continued laughing.

"We'll be even after this" he said before wrapping his arms around her waist. She was hitting his arm to put her down, as he was walking backwards, he slipped and they both fell into the snow. "Is your head okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah. What about you?"

"I'm fine. Let's go inside, it's getting cold" she said to him while getting up. She helped him up while they went inside. They took off their jackets and put it on the coat rack, EunHa went to take a seat in front of the fire, Sehun came back with a blanket, took a seat next to her and wrapped the blanket around the both of them. "This is nice" she said while resting her head on his shoulders, "I wish we can stay like this forever" she continued.

"Nado" Sehun said while looking at the fire. It wasn't long till they both of them fell asleep in front of the fire place. As the sun was coming up EunHa woke up and noticed that Sehun wasn't there, she got up and looked around. "Sehun oppa" she called, "Oppa." She walked around the cabin and didn't see him, she noticed that his jacket and shoes were missing. "Maybe he went to get some breakfast" she said to herself before picking up her phone to see if he left her a text message or a voicemail.

In Seoul, Sehun got out of the taxi and ran into the SM building. He got a call early in the morning telling him to report there. It was everyone that auditioned, today was when they were going to get their results on whether they made it or not. He lined up with the other competitors against the wall, each of them looked extremely nervous to receive the news. While he was waiting, Sehun took out his phone to send a text to EunHa. 'Sorry I took off, I had' he started. He saw the CEO walk in and quickly put his phone in his pants pocket and stood up straight. "As you all know I called you here to tell you who made it and who didn't. I'll make it quick since I'm sure you all are busy" he said. He held the clip board to his face and started calling out names of the people who made it. "And Oh Sehun. Those whose names I didn't call can leave. The people who I called, follow me," the CEO called while walking to another room.

Back in the cabin, EunHa was waiting for hours. She looked out the window and saw that it was getting dark. "Oppa where are you?" she said. Her phone started ringing as she ran to answer it, "Oppa" she answered.

"No it's your older sister, HyeMi. Appa wants you to come home now, you'll never guess who came home today."

"Minwoo oppa's home?"

"Yeah and umma's doing a dinner. So get your butt home quickly."

"But I'm at the cabin. That's a good two hour drive."

"I'll stall, but hurry before we start without you" she hanged up. EunHa smiled before she went to grab her jacket. She put her shoes on and left the cabin, "It got colder" she said while zipping up her jacket. She texted Sehun saying she was heading home. She put her phone in her pocket and started walking. The wind was blowing harder, and the snow didn't look like it would lighten up soon. EunHa leaned against a tree. "It's so cold" she said while hugging herself.

HyeMi was helping her mother set the table before taking a seat on the couch next to her brother. "What are you watching?" she asked him.

"The weather channel. There's supposed to be a snow storm tonight. Are you sure EunHa's coming?"

"I don't know. I'll try calling here again" HyeMi said while taking her phone out and calling EunHa but she didn't answer. She tried again, but still no answer, "She's probably in a dead zone. The cabin is in the mountain, it's doesn't have the perfect cellphone reception. She probably turned back, and didn't you say Sehun was with her" Minwoo said. HyeMi nodded her head before putting her phone away.

EunHa was on the ground unconscious, a guy walked over to her. He crouched down and picked her up.

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