Part 15

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The next morning Kangjun walked in, "Honey, don't be alarmed when I tell you this" his mother said walking to him. He looked at her, "What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Hana was admitted in here yesterday, there was an accident. They had to do surgery on her" she said.

"What room is she?"

"201" his mother said as he started running towards the room. He rushed in and saw her laying on the bed unconscious with tubes stuck to her. He walked closer to her and saw that her arm was in a cast. "Hana, Hana" he said softly, "How'd this happen?" He reached for her hand and squeezed it, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you go" he said. His eyes blurry from the tears that was forming. "It's my fault" he cried. His mother walking in the doorway and saw her son talking to Hana, she slowly closed the door, giving them a minute. She looked at her charts once more, "Amnesia, for 5 years. So your real name is Kim EunHa, turns out you weren't that bad after all" his mother said to herself before walking away.

After a couple of hours, Kangjun left Hana's room as she remained unconscious. She kept shifting in her sleep like she was having a nightmare. The rain was pouring hard, she woke up in the hospital and looking around, feeling scared because she didn't know where she was. A nurse walked in looking surprise to see her awake, "Doctor" the nurse shouted outside the door while looking at Hana like she was a freak. A doctor came in, "Where am I?" she asked them. The walked towards her and did a few tests to make sure that she was okay. "Do you know your name?" the doctor asked.

"My name?"

"Yes, your name."

"My name. I don't remember" she said looking down at her feet. Scattering her brain for her name. "Amnesia" the nurse said.

"Why don't you get some rest? It's late, we'll continue more tests tomorrow" the doctor said leaving her in the room. Outside she could hear what the doctor and nurse were saying, that she was sleeping for a month, maybe even more. She waited till later till she left the hospital, it was pouring rain, thunder booming and lightning lighting the streets. She looked around before she continued walking away from the hospital. She couldn't take the rain anymore as she went to find shelter. She felt a shadow over her as she looked up and saw a umbrella hovering over her. She looked over and saw Kangjun, "You look a bit far from home" he said.

"Do you know me?" she asked him.

"No, but you do remind me of a dog I use to have. You look like her with your hair wet" he smiled. His smile seemed warm and welcoming to her, "What was her name?" she asked.

"Hana. Choi Hana" he answered.

"Where the heck is Hana that she hasn't come home" Sehun said while walking back and forth. Luhan sat there, looking at him, "You're making me dizzy" he said. Sehun looked at him before taking a seat. "I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she went back to that guy's house" he said.

"I went there earlier today. No one's home" Sehun answered.

"What about her phone?"

"She left it. What if she's hurt or something?"

"Don't assume the worse. She's a capable girl, I'm she's fine" Luhan said trying to sound optimistic. But Sehun wasn't buying it.

Kangjun walked back in the room and saw down beside Hana while taking her hand. "Please wake up" he said to her, "I miss you."

"Oppa, you know what I like about you the most" Hana smiled at Kangjun. They were seated on the couch watching TV. He put his arm around her, pulling her closer to him, "What's that?" he asked.

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