Part 2

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Hana woke up early to get a head start on getting ready for the fan signing today. Kangjun woke up at the sound of her hairdryer. He turned around and saw her sitting down, blowing her hair out. "What time is it?" he asked.

"Seven in the morning" she answered, still looking at her reflection. "Turn that off and come back to bed" he said.

"I can't. I have to get ready."

"The fan signing isn't till the afternoon. Come to bed" he groaned.

"When I'm done with my hair" she answered. He turned the other way and pulled the blankets over his head. When she was done with her hair she turned it off and looked over at him, she went around on the bed and climbed on. "Oppa. Are you sleeping?" she asked while shaking him lightly. He pulled the covers off of him and wrapped his arms around waist, pulling her down on the bed alongside him. "I thought you were sleeping" she said.

"I couldn't sleep with that noise."

"Well you're awake now. Get up."

"Aniyo. Entertain me."


He climbed on top of her with a smile, "What are you doing?" she laughed.

"Entertaining myself" he smiled before leaning down to kiss her. She kissed him back, as she arched her back forwards and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. The doorbell started to ring, "Just ignore it" Kangjun said to her before kissing her again. The doorbell rang again, repeatedly. Kangjun rolled off as she got off the bed, he followed her and walked to the door. "It's your mother" Hana said to him.

"I wonder what she wants" he said before opening the door and welcoming his mother. Hana bowed with a bright smile, "You're still living together?" his mother asked while walking inside. "Annyounghaeseyo eomoni" Hana said.

"Kangjun, I have great news. I was able to get you a blind date with my friend's daughter. She's a doctor, cute, and she's single" his mother beamed.

"Umma, I already told you. Hana and I are dating" Kangjun said.

"I know but it's not serious. Right?" her mother asked. Kangjun took a deep breath before going into the room with his mom. "Umma, I already told you to stop talking about blind dates in front of Hana" he warned.

"You're not really thinking of marring her right? I mean you found her in the woods five years ago, and she doesn't even know anything about her family or who she is. For all we know she could have been from a bad family. I'm just trying to look out for my only son."

"Then you'll understand that she's the only girl for me and be happy for your son. She makes me happy, isn't that good enough?"

"You really like her don't you?"

"I do."

"Then I'll support you. Even though I think you're making a bad decision."


"Sorry. I'll leave then, take care and come home more often" she said with her hands on his cheeks before leaving. Hana walked her to the door, Kangjun came out, "Sorry about her" he said softly. She turned to him, "It's okay, I'm used to it by now. So how about some breakfast" she said before running to the kitchen. He quickly ran in, "Uh, I'm not that hungry" he lied.

"You didn't eat dinner last night. I'll make it delicious for you. Go take a seat" she said to him. He looked at her nervously before going to the living room and sitting down. Hana was a terrible cook but that didn't stop her from cooking Kangjun breakfast every day. He always forces himself to eat it to be nice. When she carried the blackened food towards him he stared at it, "Enjoy" she smiled, "Oh and the fan signing starts at 3 today."

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