Fake Love | Lee Felix 💧 Pt. 1

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(Type: Angst)

About: Felix Stops Loving You

(A/N: this is my first time writing a sad story so, do judge 💁🏽‍♀️)

Y/n's POV:

"Sorry- I can't. I'm a bit busy, maybe another.. time?" Felix spoke over the phone a bit hesitant at the end of his sentence then hung up.

This is like the fifth time this week that he declined all the plans I had for us. The fifth time this WHOLE week.

He couldn't... right?

I shook my head trying to rid all the negative thoughts I had currently in my head.

After all the things we've been through he would never do that... right?

Ring! Ring! Ring!

My phone started ringing out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting any calls today whatsoever, so I was confused.

I pulled it out and looked at the name. Felix? Why is he calling me? didn't he just say he was busy?

I answered anyway and put it up to my ear saying "hello?".

"Uh- hey so umm what were the plans did you have for us?"

~Time Skip~

I had plans to go and hang out at a park with Felix, so there I was waiting for him, sitting on a bench scrolling on my phone.

I then started to hear footsteps approaching where I was sitting. I looked up from my phone to be meet by the face of Felix.

He stopped in front of me "You ready" he said coldly looking everywhere but me.

I have a little 'yeah' and got up from the bench. We started walking down this little path leading into this forest.

I was just making the most of the moment, staying silent smiling and appreciating that I was at least in his presence. Because half of the time no most of the time he's ether busy or is tired. So I should appreciate it.

I was moving my hand to reach for his to hold on but he moved his away and looked at me confused "I wanted to hold your hand like we always use to do" I said looking at him as my smile faded away.

Why did he move away? We always used to hold hands.. what happened, Felix?

"Hey look at these flowers! Aren't they beautiful!" Felix said running to a patch of flowers and sniffed the rose.

I approached him and kneeled down next to him "hey Felix, do you remember on our first date you gave me a rose, and told me that I looked just as beautiful as the rose" I said remembering what happened on that day.

He looked up at me and said nothing then looked back at the rose "and the time you said we would be together forever and how will get married and have tw-" he interrupted me "hey how about we keep walking?" He said then got up on his two feet and started walking ahead of me.

Why are you like this? What happened to the Felix I used to know? He hasn't smiled this whole time I've been with him on this date, he hasn't laughed at all ether.

I got up and started to walk behind him. Felix then stopped walking what then caused me to stop too. He sighed and stayed there for a little then turned around to face me

"Y/n, I have something to tell you" he said looking at me with cold eyes.

Who would've known that the first time he calls me by my name would be that time he breaks ties with me

"I'm sorry it has the e-"

"I don't wanna hear it!!" I yelled looking down as tears blurred my vision.

He face change into a sad one and he just stared at me "why now?! Why?!" I cried putting my hands over my face to cover it.

His face scrunched at the sound of me crying he then just looked down at the dirt trying to ignore me.

"After all the things we've been trough all the hugs, the kisses, the promises. Did that mean anything to you??!!" I said as my cries got louder.

"They did it's just that I don't think this will work out" he said not being able to face me.

"So your saying that it wasn't going to work out ever since you meet me?!" I put the pieces together.

"I didn't want it to end this way Y/n. I wanted to put you down slowly" he said putting a hand on my cheek wiping away my tears.

"I'm sorry but I let my heart wander because I was selfish and..."

Don't say. Don't say it please...

"I don't think I love you anymore"

My heart fell apart. All of the happiest that was once in me left in an instant like it was never there. I felt empty, like I had no other purpose.

"I'm sorry. But I hope that you find someone else that will give you the love you deserve"

That was the last thing he said to me then walked away. I watch as his figure grew more and more away until he was gone.

"I guess somethings are just too good to be true"







(Word count: 872)

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