The Bad Boy | Lee Minho 🧸

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Y/n was always the good girl. She got good grades, followed the rules, and never strayed from the path her parents had set out for her. She was the perfect daughter and everyone in her small town loved her. But deep down, Y/n felt like she was missing something. Something exciting, something new, and something that would make her feel alive.

It was then that Lee Know came into her life. Lee Know was the bad boy of the town. He was notorious for skipping school, getting into fights, and causing trouble wherever he went. Y/n had always kept her distance from him and avoided him at all costs, but one day that changed.

Y/n was on her way home from the library when she saw Lee Know fighting with a group of other boys. Without thinking, she ran towards him and shielded him with her body, taking the punches and blows that were meant for him. Lee Know was surprised and impressed by Y/n's bravery and he felt something stir inside of him that he had never felt before.

After that incident, Lee Know became fascinated with Y/n. He started following her around, trying to get her attention, and she slowly started to talk to him. At first, she was apprehensive, but she soon realized that there was something special about Lee Know. He was not like the other boys in the town. He was different, he was raw, he was real.

As they spent more time together, Y/n started to see the goodness in Lee Know. She saw that he had a heart of gold, even if he didn't always show it. He would do anything to protect her and make her happy, and she felt a sense of safety and warmth whenever she was with him.

However, Y/n's parents did not approve of her relationship with Lee Know. They saw him as a troublemaker and feared that he would lead their daughter down the wrong path. Y/n tried to make them understand that Lee Know was not like the other boys in the town, but they refused to listen.

Despite the disapproval, Y/n and Lee Know continued to see each other in secret. They would meet in hidden places, away from the disapproving eyes of the town, and share their hopes and dreams with each other. They talked about running away together and starting a new life somewhere far away where nobody knew them.

But fate had other plans.

One day, Lee Know was caught stealing from a local store. He was arrested and thrown in jail. Y/n was devastated when she found out what had happened. She rushed to the jail to see Lee Know, and when he saw her, he broke down crying. He felt like he had failed her and he was ashamed that he had let her down.

Y/n hugged him tightly and told him that she loved him no matter what. She promised that she would always be there for him, and she fought tooth and nail to get him out of jail.

When Lee Know was finally released, he was a changed man. He had seen the darkness of the world and knew that he never wanted to go back there again. He made a promise to Y/n that he would become a better person, that he would make something of himself, and that he would make her proud.

And he did.

Lee Know turned his life around. With Y/n's support, he went back to school and graduated with honors. He got a job at a local company and worked hard to make a name for himself. The people of the town were shocked at his transformation and they started to see him in a new light.

Y/n and Lee Know got married and started a family together. They were happy and content, and they knew that they had found true love in each other.

Y/n had fallen in love with the bad boy, but she had seen the goodness in him. She had believed in him when nobody else did, and in the end, it was her love that changed him into the man he was always meant to be.







(Word count: 720)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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