Prologue one: Pythor's story

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Pythor.P.Chumsworth was previously known as the self-proclaimed general of his clan. Anacondrai, a powerful Serpentine tribe endowed with great strength and war strategy. The most powerful warriors of the Second Serpentine Era and leaders of the war between humans and Serpentine.

Pythor.P.Chumsworth son of Great General Arcturus, older brother of Cyrus and Polaris.P.Chumsworth.

However, his heart was sanitized from evil and he was freed from his dark path of morality that he had. After the disgrace he got from being devoured by the Great Devourer, whom he himself had freed, and losing forever his proud color of scales and honor, he decided to disappear... Forever and go to live in a completely different world.

Knighton, the name of the realm that became his new home was much different from Ninjago. For it is a kingdom of the modern Middle Ages. An medieval land combined with advanced technology.

There, he changed his life and became an armorer. He ran an armor and weapons store, which brought him considerable profits.

Pythor wanted to forget his past in Ninjago and live in Knighton. But his paths with his past crossed again when he was found by a hero, a yellow ninja. (Y/N), magically ended up in a medieval kingdom with Saber, only to find out that Knighton is her true home with her true family.

Pythor and (Y/N) were connected by some thread of understanding. Friendship. When she and Lord Garmadon's young son first freed him from the tomb, (Y/N) was shy, honest, kind little girl. She offered him friendship almost immediately, not as a helper in Lloyd's plan, but as someone to count on.

This... Was new for him. Even after he betrayed her it was she, who still wanted to give him a chance for friendship and change.

And so it happened. When (Y/N) was crowned High Princess of the Light Valley for her merits in defeating Monstrox and giving a second chance for a better life in the better world to the monsters under the control of the evil necromancer.

Pythor visited her at the League of Heroes Castle every Wednesday for afternoon tea with cookies, where they chattered about every topic they came up with. Their friendship and loyalty to each other grew and grew with each meeting.

(Y/N) and her friends, knights and ninjas, also helped Pythor find the other half of his heart. The family he missed and thought was gone forever. Polaris and his talented brother Cyrus.

By her side he learned that it's worth trusting and sometimes open your heart to those who, no matter how much you deceived them, they will give you a chance to be good.

Pythor, during his wandering and attempt to rescue Polaris from evil, ran into a certain ancient empress, who was at his mad brother's side on his journey for revenge. Aspheera. And it was through this that he soon learned that love is a force, that will break even the greatest warrior.

Love... is a crazy drug that can unite even the most feuding enemies, who until recently were ready to kill each other before.

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