Chapter 7

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After almost a whole night of reading old documents, whole evil trio, Aspheera, Pythor and Peacebreaker finally dropped like flies to take a nap. They rested their heads on the stone table go to sleep.


I slowly opened my eyes, dazed. I groaned softly and lifted my head from the scrols that I had wrapped my arms around and used as a pillow. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, shaking off the sleep.

Dream. No one would call it a dream. It was the most uncomfortable position anyone could fall asleep in. You must be pretty tired to fall asleep like that.

I sighed and stretched out in my chair as a yawn escaped my lips. I looked around the room and it was an incredible mess. A bunch of different scrolls lay around the table, the floor and even some on my bed.

Peacebreaker was gone, she must have left while we were still asleep. My gaze fell on the white Anacondrai who was still sleeping with his arms wrapped around his unfurled scrols and piled up.

I hissed annoyed. - Ah... Great.

I snorted and got up from the table to pick up all the papers around the room. Anacondrai groaned under his breath, mumbled, and buried his face in his arms. My eyes scanned his form until my gaze landed on his tail, which was wagging slightly.

I snorted. - What's going on in that little brain of yours, Anacondrai? - I chuckled under my breath and started rolling the scrolls in my hands. I put the papers on the shelf near my bed and slowly approached the sleeping snake.

I leaned over him and nudged his shoulder to somehow wake him up. - Hey, snake, get up... Hey...

Pythor groaned and pushed me away with one hand. - Dad, it's too early for training...

frowned and gave him a weird look. Still, I sighed and grabbed a scroll from the table and tapped Pythor on the shoulder with it. The white Anacondrai groaned again and shoved his face deeper into the papers.

- Mommy, Polaris set fire to Cyrus' notebooks again... -- he sighed. I hissed in frustration and hit the snake on the head with scroll. Pythor's head shot up and a gasp escaped his mouth. - It's not my fault!!

I fliched at his scream. - Shut up and get up! We must go, they're probably waiting for us with more orders.

Pythor looked at me and sighed...relief? He rubbed his head where I'd hit him and looked down at his hand as if searching for blood from a wound. - Did you hit me? -- he hissed with an already annoyed expression on his face.

-- I had to wake you up somehow. You were moaning about your mommy and Polaris and you weren't planning on waking up!

Pythor rolled his eyes and sighed again. - Perhaps... you're right..

Try to open your heart: Pythor and Aspheera storyWhere stories live. Discover now