Chapter 5

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After our successful action, we returned to the base. Harumi was already impatiently waiting for us. - It looks like you made it. - Harumi said as she looked at all of us.

- Yes. The Monastery burned down, and the ninjas along with it. - Aspheera laughed wickedly.

- There was nothing left of it. - Vangelis added.

I walked closer and said. - And that's all, thanks to (Y/N). She was the one who did all the work of setting the monastery on fire.

A look of surprise appeared on Harumi's face and she looked at (Y/N), who was standing behind me. After a moment, she smiled with satisfaction and put her hands on her hips. - Well, well, well. I didn't expect you to actually manage with it (Y/N). And I was wrong.

All the council members, including me, nodded our heads in agreement. None of us expected it, and everyone was positively surprised.

- I'm curious, however, what it feels like. To turn to the dark side of the force? - Aspheera asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice, looking at ninja.

We all looked at (Y/N), who looked at us indifferently. She shrugged. - This... such a refreshing feeling. To break with the rules like this and.... move on to evil.

Harumi smiled more at this. - Great. The Crystal King, will be even more delighted that you're joining his council.

I nodded my head. - Yes. If you make an effort, you can gain his favor. That would be a great honor.

- Indeed. You can be named commander, or even the very best warrior of the Crystal King's forces. - Vangelis agreed.

(Y/N) snorted. - I can't wait for that.

- Okay. We have the Golden Weapons, now what? - I asked.

- Now. The second phase of our plan. Follow me. - Harumi answered and with a hand gesture told us to follow her. We followed her and she led us to another room with a large platform and a huge crystal in the middle.

Also in this room was Lloyd, bound with chains and unconscious. When we started to approach him, the boy groaned in pain and opened his eyes unwillingly.

- Nice view. - Harumi said as we stepped onto the platform. The Green Ninja gasped when he noticed the weapons in our hands, but also (Y/N).

- Are these the Spinjitzu Weapons!? (Y/N)!?- Lloyd yelled in shock. - What are you doing! How did you get these weapons!?

- Calm down Lloyd. We have a long day ahead of us and we don't want you to waste energy needlessly. - Harumi said condescendingly, stopping in front of the boy. - We brought these weapons from the Monastery, where else? And as for (Y/N), she chose a better path for her than this whole being a ninja thing.

Try to open your heart: Pythor and Aspheera storyWhere stories live. Discover now