Chapter 3

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Pythor and Mr. Glitter Wings locked the green ninja in a cage made of some special stone that blocked his powers.... Argh. I myself can feel that this stone contains something that blocks magic, I can feel it through the force.

It's giving me this annoying headache that could make me furious over time. I want to get out of here as soon as possible and start my revenge!

- Is he going to be okay? He has been unconscious for some time. - said the yellow ninja.... (Y/N) with worry in her voice. I rolled my eyes at this. Pathetic, weak people.

- Why did we even bring him here? We should get rid of him. - Vangelis growled, casting a glance at the ninja.

- No. The Crystal King has some plans for him. He is too valuable to just kill him. - The host, Harumi said.

- What kind of plans, for example? Making him a servant? - Pythor hissed with sarcasm in his voice. I took a look at him. Pythor must have somehow sensed this and also look at me. I shook my head and looked anywhere but at him.

- These are no longer your worries. - Harumi said briefly.

- So. What should we do now? Did you summoned us here for no reason? - Pythor continued speaking, crossing his arms over his chest.

- No, I... I mean... The Crystal King has a plan for you, for which he summoned you here. - Harumi said with a slight stutter. I raised an eyebrow at her, could it be that there was some conflict between her and the King?

- And this plan is...? - Vangelis asked.

- You shouldn't care yet! You're waiting for an order, that's what you should do! The spiders will lead you to your chambers. And now... GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!

Harumi yelled until we all flinched at her loud, demanding voice. Even I didn't have such voice power! Well... kinda? However, me, Pythor, Vangelis and Mr.F nodded our heads quickly.

 - Great. Follow spiders, wait for the next order. That's all. - Harumi declared and turned her back on all of us to look at the trapped ninja in the cage.

Pythor nodded to all of us and we quickly walked away from the nervous girl. Spiders came out of their holes in the rocks and hissed at each of us, then walked along the wall to one of the corridors.

- Hm. I guess, we should go after this bugs. - Vangelis said grumpily and followed spiders.

- I still can't believe we are listening to some arachnids. - Pythor sighed and shook his head. The misfortune came sooner than I thought, and unfortunately I had to walk beside that snake. I only cast a glance at him, but otherwise said nothing.

- Hey, is Your Majesty the Empress so mad on me that you don't want to talk to me? - Pythor looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes at him. Pythor snorted with a amused smile.

Try to open your heart: Pythor and Aspheera storyWhere stories live. Discover now