Chapter 5

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Playlist - Lost in the Fire by The Weekend

What amazes me is how things can shift so quickly. One minute, I was about to wipe the floor with Sebastian, the next, I had his vest twisting around my fingers as I shoved him into the wall of a nearby cottage, our lips moulding together.

It wasn't something I had planned - I merely wanted him to provide me with this so called explanation he so pathetically tried to deduce. However as cruel as fate can be, it decided to pull my strings and make me kiss him. The biggest issue I had here, was that as soon as my lips touched his, I was done for.

That scent, which drove me insane every-time he came near me, now engulfed me, making my mind turn into mush. His hands, delicate yet strong, snaked their way onto my waist as he pulled me tighter to his chest. The surprise only lasted for a second until he was returning my kiss, moaning into my mouth when I tapered my tongue into his.

Soft. His lips were so soft, like plush velvet, a contrast to my own, which where chapped and rough.

The dark sky above us did nothing to conceal our frenzied entanglement, our bodies visible to the naked eye, a view for anyone to take in. But I did not care, how could I, when his hand rose to my cheek and into my hair, his fingers tangling themselves between the strands.

"You taste so good." He whimpered as he pulled back slightly, his eyes hooded and pupils dilated in desire. The sounds he was making made me feel a sense of triumph, knowing full well that I had the same effect he had on me. I was an eagle in control of a serpent, and this...this was the power that fed my deepest fantasies.

However I could not let myself lower my standards, to let this man think he could have me whenever he wished. This was a small taste of what he could have had, a glimpse of a possibility that had now slipped through his fingers. So I pulled back, shoved him away and turned around to leave him behind, looking bewildered.

I did not turn when he called out my name, I simply journeyed back to Hogwarts, into my quarters and into my bed, where for the first time in the longest time, I did not have any nightmares.

The morning came by quickly, making me stretch out and groan as my body still begged for more sleep. But today was the day that I was going to teach, the day I had been looking forward to since Professor Weasley offered me the position. However as excited as I was, the dreadful predicament that I had to share my lessons with Sebastian, made my mood instantly sour.

It wasn't ideal that I had kissed him just a few hours prior, but I was a grown woman, I could handle a little...setback. Quickly, I threw on a long navy skirt, white shirt and blue blazer, a tribute to my house. My hair was let loose, it's length hitting the end of my back and I decided to spray the perfume that Imelda had purchased for my birthday. It smelt of raspberries, my favourite fruit, and it was safe to say that I was obsessed with it.

I stopped by Poppy's class just before I headed to mine, and gave her a small wave as she handled a puffskien. I was delighted that she had been accepted for this post, her dedication to beasts far outreached anyone I had ever met. It was amazing to see how far she had come from the bearings of her poacher family, whom she now had completely cut ties with.

Travelling to the dark arts classroom, which was empty apart from the handsome Professor that scribbled away at his papers, I made my way towards him and cleared my throat.

"Ah Y/N! How nice to see you." Aesop Sharp announced, with a twinkle in his broody eyes.

"It's a pleasure to see you too Professor. Will you be evaluating the class today?" I asked as he stood up from his chair.

"Of course not, I am well aware of your capabilities, you don't need me to keep an eye on you." He gave me a bashful smile, and limped away to give me time to prepare.

I was nervous, it was the first time I was going to be teaching fifth years, though I remembered I was once in their shoes. I placed all the required ingredients onto their stations and soon after, they flooded in.

A wave of nostalgia washed through me as they took their seats, all smiling and giggling. How far I had come from the young RavenClaw girl who made her grand entrance in her fifth year.

Shortly after, Sebastian entered the room, making my breath hitch as I took him in.

He looked dashing in an emerald coloured suit, coupled with a white shirt and black tie. His messy curls where back again, making him look much younger than he was. The girls in the class started to giggle, their whispers circuiting around the room, "He's so handsome!"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, in an attempt to stifle the jealousy that rose to my throat. Why am I jealous of a bunch of kids? It's just an innocent crush, just like the one I had on Sharp.

The dark arts Professor made his way beside me, not daring to look at me as he placed his books onto the table. I took in a deep breathe, feeling awkward. This is a great way to start the day.

"Morning." I said, attempting to make some form of conversation.

He glanced up at me, and surprisingly gave me a warm smile. "Good morning to you too." I frowned, unable to figure out how he could just act so brazen and calm, like nothing ever happened. Though I wasn't entirely surprised, he had a habit of pretending.

"This room is a bit too small for our classes." I stated, but he only hymned in agreement, making me grow irritated at his nonchalant attitude.

With a clear of the throat, I turned round to greet my students who all seemed eager to learn. My ears picked up a few comments from the boisterous Slytherin boys that huddled in the corner -

"Bloody hell she's a sort." They snickered, and I heard Sebastian chuckled behind me as a rosy blush tainted my cheeks.

Deciding to ignore them, Sebastian and I started our lesson, taking it in turns. It was not an easy task, and I found myself thinking why on earth Professor Weasley thought conjoining two curriculums together was a good idea. We had no coordination, no grace in our teaching, which left the poor students dumbfounded as we concluded the lecture.

I was slightly frustrated with myself, predominantly for the fact that I was not clearly prepared. Sebastian being here also did not help my nerves, which where eating away at me like parasites.

As I gathered my things from the desk, I felt a presence behind me. My body went stiff when a hand gently swept my hair to one side of my neck, fingers trailing down my exposed skin. I said nothing as Sebastian's lips began to kiss my neck, whilst his hand gripped at my waist. I could feel his lower body taunt me, making my knees buckle as his tongue started to swirl around my skin.

My mind was urging me to push him off but I simply couldn't, not when his mouth was making my stomach tighten, my core throbbing as he started to suck on my neck. I let out a sinful moan as my body melted into him, my eyes fluttering to a close. Fuck Y/N, stop this madness! Anyone could walk in at any second! I tried to scream to myself but I was a babbling mess when his fingers started to trail up my skirt, in achingly slow movements.

My heart was pounding, every morsel inside me causing havoc as he touched me, sucked at my neck, leaving a mark. I was ready to let him take me on the desk, to let this man have his way with me because Merlin knows, I wanted him.

But he suddenly stopped, leaned in to whisper in my ear and with a tantalising voice he said, "Two can play at this game."

Just like I had done to him, he turned around and left me standing in the room, unsatisfied and infuriated.

Moth to a Slytherin (Sebastian Sallow X Female MC)Where stories live. Discover now