Chapter 25 (EC)

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Playlist - West Coast by Lana Del Ray and You belong to me by Cat Pierce

1893 - End of Seventh Year and Graduation

"You look beautiful Y/N!"

Natty said as she brushed my long hair that I had decided to keep loose for our graduation. The time was finally here for us to move onto the path of adulthood, one which I did not think I was entirely prepared for. However as my three best friends, Imelda, Poppy and Natty, surrounded me, I knew that everything was going to be alright.

"Sebastian is going to melt when he sees you." Imelda snickered as she twirled around in front of the mirror that was situated in the flat that she was sharing with Ominis. I remember the first time that she had told me that they had become a couple, my jaw hit the floor but only seconds later I was jumping up and down with joy. The couple had purchased a cosy flat in London, which was not too far away from the one Sebastian and I had recently gotten the keys to.

The boys had decided to go out for a few drinks before the ceremony, so me and the girls took it upon ourselves to get ready together, which was a cherished moment for me. After our kiss in the Undercroft, Sebastian and I entered into a relationship, which blossomed even further when we had discovered that Ominis had cured Anne with some gemstone he had found, hidden within the Sallow home. I was very confused as to how all of that happened, however I didn't press, I trusted that man with my life.

Solomon Sallow was found murdered, which devastated the siblings, however not long after, they discovered that all that time, he was the one that was keeping Anne sick. It was a dark time in Sebastian's life, who grew bitter and angry, however together, we jumped over that obstacle like it was a mere puddle. We had gone from strength to strength, our love for each other growing every single minute we spent together and every single second we spent apart, which was very much a rare occurrence.

I thought back to when he had asked me to move in with him as we were having dinner in his home in Feldcroft -

"I think we should buy a property together." He blurted out, making me spit the wine I was sipping on.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Isn't it a bit too soon?" I asked, though I was more ecstatic than opposed to the idea.

He leaned forward and laced his fingers through mine, his thumb grazing over my knuckles as he grinned at me. "We have been together for two years, I think we both know that we can't stand to be without each other for any longer than a minute. So why not?"

Was this really happening? This was a big step to take but for some reason I found myself smiling like a Cheshire cat as I started to nod feverishly, so much so, that my head was about to fall off from my neck.

"Fuck it. Let's do it."

Ominis and Imelda were overjoyed when they found out that we would only be living a few blocks from them, which meant many couples nights and countless shenanigans. The flat wasn't too shabby, but it was cosy enough for the two of us, as we preferred the simpler things in life. Poppy and Natty also started a relationship, but they decided to stay in Scotland and open a beats sanitorium together, which I thought was absolutely perfect.

"I just know, that tonight is going to be your lucky night Y/N" Poppy giggled as I turned the deepest shade of red.

The girls all started to snicker when I placed my hands onto my face in embarrassment. Sebastian and I hadn't gone farther than kissing and the occasional grope here and there. We thought we were too young to engage in such activities, so we decided to wait till we were both of age to do so. I had just turned nineteen, whilst Sebastian was the glorious age of twenty, which meant that tonight, could be the possible first time that we were both going to...sleep together.

Moth to a Slytherin (Sebastian Sallow X Female MC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz