Chapter 8

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Playlist - Girls like U by Blackbear

Sebastian and I hadn't spoken since our...encounter. A week had passed since I had taunted him, gave him a glimmer of hope only to crush it with the palm of my hand. Every time we passed each other in the hallways, he looked ahead. Every time we conducted our lessons, we were distances apart.

For some reason, I found myself broody and hindered, unable to remove him from my mind or my dreams, his voice constantly calling out to me. I longed to hold him to me, to tell him that I wanted to be with him and that I l- no I didn't. This was just an infatuation, pure sexual chemistry that sparked between us. I did not believe in love, it was a defying emotion, a hindrance.

Tonight I was attending a soirée hosted by Natty and Poppy in their home. They had acquired a large place, though still humble, a perfect reflection of their personalities. Gareth offered to escort me, which I was grateful for, as I found such social events quite daunting.

My hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, the strands at the front gracefully cascading down my face. A leather corset tucked in my waist, making my chest thrust up on display, and I decided to finish the ensemble off with a pair of opal coloured trousers. Overall, I looked presentable enough, well at least Gareth thought so because his jaw hit the floor once he laid his eyes on me.

"Uh...Y/" I giggled at his reaction, and I pulled him into a hug, which he turned into a kiss. It was only a peck, but it was sweet and gentle.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I complimented, giving him a view of my pearly whites.

The fiery haired Gryffindor looked lovely in a crimson coloured suit, which made his broad shoulders more defined, more...attractive. Those wild curls of his where let loose, which made him all the more alluring.

"Shall we go M'lady?" He grinned as he held out his arm for me to hold on to.

Upon our arrival, we were instantly greeted by a drunken Imelda who squealed when she saw us walk in together.

"Merlin's beard finally! *hiccup* I am so *hiccup* happy!" Ominis grabbed onto her waist to steady her, and he laughed as she started to jump up and down.

"Gareth, Y/N, glad you two could make it." The silver haired Slytherin cheered as he tried to fend off his girlfriend's advances.

"Aren't I just the luckiest man?" Gareth said with a grin as he looked at me, making me blush in embarrassment.

"Or the dumbest man in the world."

A bitter voice called from behind Imelda and Ominis, a voice so cold and angry. Sebastian strutted down the stairs, wobbling as he tried to hold himself up whilst attempting to shot back a whiskey. He was a right mess, and being drunk was his saving grace, otherwise I could have crucio'd him for that insult.

"Sebastian stop embarrassing yourself and go sit down." Ominis barked at his friend, clearly annoyed by his surplus attitude.

"I think we should go." Gareth leaned in to whisper in my ear, and I nodded, letting him lace his fingers through mine as we went over to greet Natty and Poppy.

The two ladies gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen, a token of their approval of mine and Gareth's blossoming...relationship?

"Look at the two of you! Now that's a couple I've wanted to see." Natty praised, as she wrapped her arm around Poppy's waist.

"I'm so happy for you both." The brunette woman said, excitedly clapping her hands.

"He's alright." I teased, gently nudging him with my elbow. He wrapped his arm around my waist, bending down to kiss me. I heard the girls giggle and Imelda squeal, which made me smile against his lips.

I was enjoying his company, he was a great man with a lot of ambition, plus he didn't play around and treated me with respect. It was a bonus that he was also an excellent kisser.

My eyes averted to Sebastian, who was watching us in the corner, his face sour and body shaking. A part of me was excited to see him suffer, but the angel on my shoulder scolded me for my actions, for being so petty and vengeful.

I half expected him to rush over and pull us apart, but he didn't, instead he put his head down, a wave of sadness washing over his face. Guilt hammered in my chest, grasping at my walls that I had built up to protect me. The freckled man had a way of playing with my heart strings, and tonight was no exception.

As if he was thinking the same, his eyes looked up to mine and I gave him a nod of the head, signalling to follow me. He perked up instantly and waited for enough distance between us so that he could gather into a nearby bedroom.

The door shut behind me, my body slouching against it as Sebastian paddled towards the bed and sat down. Music was blasting through the wooden oak but all I could hear and see was the broken man before me.

Sexual tension started to flicker through the air between us, like the ancient magic traces I used to see. He looked incredibly handsome tonight, by far the most good-looking man at the party. Green was my favourite colour on him, specifically the shirt he wore, it's top button's loosened to reveal his toned chest.

I was envious at how small his waist was, and how his hips streamlined with his long legs. It was as if he had been sculpted to perfection, and like a flame, I was drawn to him.

"Are you alright?" I stupidly asked, knowing full well that he wasn't. Those chocolate irises gazed at me under narrowed lids, the alcohol making his pupils dilate.

"Yeah, you?" Sebastian's voice was croaky, barely audible as he started to tap his foot rapidly, irritating me slightly.

"I...I'm sorry you had to see that." It was a genuine apology, I did feel bad that I was rubbing mine and Gareth's budding relationship in his face, but the grudge I held against him had a leash around my neck, pulling me to it's command.

"What are you apologising for? Congratulations to him, he scored one hell of a woman." He gurgled, his intoxication clear as day.

I found myself shifting towards him, and I now stood in front of him. Those eyes looked up at me, taking me in from head to toe until they stopped at my lips which I was chewing on.

"Stop biting your lip." He commanded, that authoritative demeanour baring its teeth again.

I frowned in protest, but continued to chew at my lip. Our dynamic was similar - two stubborn people unwilling to back down when challenged, two people that were clearly drawn to each other like magnets.

And that is why, when Sebastian stood up, his body hovering over me, I found myself accepting his heated kiss.

Moth to a Slytherin (Sebastian Sallow X Female MC)Where stories live. Discover now