Chapter 20

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Playlist - Born to Die by Lana Del Ray

Ominis's POV

Time was governed by natural laws which magic could explore and, to a certain and limited degree, manipulate, and, as such, there was a room devoted to its study, as my father had once explained to me after he conducted his affairs with the Ministry.

Time-related magic was unstable, however, and it's usage could potentially result in catastrophe if meddled with. Upon his research, my father had discovered that if one wishes to travel back in time, they could only spend no more than five hours in the past, as any further could run the risk of great damage to the user and time itself. During one of their experiments, the Ministry had sent a young boy to the year 1503 for five days, only to have him age rapidly upon his return, which ultimately led to his death.

So as I sat in the time-room, which was situated on the ninth level at the Ministry of Magic, my wand hoovering above the pages of an ancient family heirloom that was passed onto my grandfather, I discovered the very spell I needed to conduct such a feat. I was well aware of the risks involved, even my own eventual death. However I had nothing to lose, not really - the only person who I had left to live for was Sebastian, and he had turned into a walking corpse.

This wasn't an attempt to be honourable or noble in any way, but an act I was willing to partake in to bring back Y/N. She did not deserve to die, the place in the afterlife was not meant for her. She belonged with Sebastian, where the two of them could live a long and happy life together. I had thought about this for a very long time, hence why it had taken me almost ten years to perfect this spell. Though, I still suspected to encounter mishaps and obstacles along the way. Y/N had died in 1890, it was now 1900, which meant I had to jump back to the day she was...killed... and reverse time itself.

Doing this was going to have extreme risks, risks that I was willing to take. However I did duly note that changing time like that could cause chaos in the strands of quantum itself, meaning that the future that I stood in now, could change entirely. No one else had consented to have their destiny altered, yet I found myself unable to find a justification for my refusal to go ahead with this.

I was a man who had lost everything - my two best friends and the woman, who I did hold a devotion to, in the most traumatic and excruciating way. Anne had been taken from us too soon, barely a week into her 18th birthday, which made Sebastian spiral even more into his insanity.

And Y/N...only 16, barely scratching the surface of her life. She bore the weight of the world on her shoulders but she was still so selfless and brave, sacrificing her life for a boy she had only known for a short time. But a boy that nonetheless she had fallen in love with. I would be lying to myself if I said I hadn't held any romantic feelings for her - because I did. But it wasn't to the extent that Sebastian did, hence why I never took it any further. My interest in her was more admiration and respect above anything else, but I will admit and say that there was a time where I had thought about the possibility.

But alas, my priority today was to take the plunge and get Y/N back, for Sebastian. He was my best friend and I had seen him suffer for too long, seen him destroy himself in the guilt that ate away at him like a vulture. I had to do this, if not for anyone, then it would be for him. He had given me a family when my own shunned me, there was no possible way that I was going to turn my back on him.

My father had described this room to be filled with beautiful, dancing, diamond-sparkling light, and that clocks in shapes and sizes scattered along each surface. A part of me wished I could have a glimpse at it, especially now since my blindness was going to cause me a hindrance as I navigated through the past. I was going to have to rely upon my memory of the events that occurred, otherwise, this whole mission was going to crumble to the ground.

I unfortunately had to seek help from my uncle, who had provided me with a time-turner, one that was uniquely designed to travel to years in the past, even back to the stone ages if I wanted to. However this manufactured piece of equipment was not reliable, as it could unfortunately repel time within itself and shift me into another timeline if I wasn't careful.

The gold trinket in my hand ticked away, making my ears perk up at the irritating sound that it produced. I took in a deep breath, and with my small finger, I set the time turner to 1890. At first nothing happened, and I was stood standing like an idiot as I waited. Five minutes. 10 Minutes. Nothing. I had verbally used the incantation that our family heirloom had advised me to cast, but for some annoying reason, I was stuck.

I was about to started cursing myself until suddenly I felt the sensation as if I was flying very fast, backward, and I felt my skin stretch out as a gust of wind propelled me upwards into some kind of void that I could not obviously see. I tried to yell out but I couldn't hear my own voice until - I felt solid ground beneath my feet and I heard the chirping of birds.

Grabbing my wand, I used it to scan my surroundings until it sublimed a person close by. I rushed towards the individual, grabbing them by the shoulder, almost earning me a smack to the head and I said -

"What year is it?" I asked, sounding deranged.

"Are you an escapee from the asylum?" This strange woman asked, making me groan and rage.

"Of course not! Are you daft! Just tell me what the date is!"

I could hear her scoff until she finally spit out the answer I was looking for.


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