Chapter 10

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Playlist - Monster by Lady Gaga

Red was a beautiful colour. It was a shade I often liked to wear, a shade that symbolised many things - such as passion and love but most off all, rage. That is the colour I was seeing when I caught Nellie swing off Sebastian's neck as she kissed him.

A knife had been struck into my chest, my heart stopping and my lungs fighting for air as tears started to brim in my eyes. My vision was blurry, the room spinning as I got up and stumbled across to -


He was laughing with Ominis and Imelda until I grabbed him and pulled his lips to mine. The two Slytherins gaped at me as I twist my fingers into his finger hair, eagerly using my tongue to part his mouth. In an instant, he complied, snaking his arms around me waist as we kissed passionately, heatedly.

I could feel Poppy's disapproval behind me, but I didn't care. I needed to forget. I needed to dim the pain that rushed through my veins, the pain that was consuming me as I poured all my night into this kiss. There was no shame, no guilt - just hot, burning angst, as my mind tried to forget the image I had just witnessed.

Suddenly, I felt myself get ripped off from Gareth's clutches, and a fist landed onto his face. Everyone went quiet and stared, as Sebastian hovered over the man looking enraged. Sweat was dripping from the tips of his hair, his chest rapidly heaving and his eyes - his eyes where wide in fury. I had never witnessed him in such a state, and to be frank, I was a bit scared.

"What the fuck?!" Gareth yelled out as he clutched onto his bleeding nose.

Ominis had quickly shuffled between them, pushing back Sebastian as he tried to swing at Gareth again.

"Sebastian!!! What on earth are you doing!!" The blind boy yelled out, his face twisting in anger and disgrace.

Imelda tried to grab onto my arm, to check if I was alright, but I stood firm, frozen in shock. Sebastian said nothing - he just turned round and ran outside the house, leaving all of us dumbfounded.

I snapped out of my trance and knelt down beside Gareth, who was clearly in agony as he tried to stop the bleeding.

"Are you alright?" I asked gently, placing my hands onto his arms, my eyes filled with worry.

"He's a lunatic!" He yelled out, and I tried to provide him with comfort, but my mind was too focused of Sebastian. I signalled Imelda to take over and help him, to which she kindly complied, and I ran out of the house to find the angered man.

The freckled Slytherin was pacing up and down the garden, his hands to his face, his body shaking underneath the moonlight. My body actioned on its own as I walked up to him and shoved him gently.

"What is wrong with you?" I hissed, my body shaking in fright and anger.

"What's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you? After you kissed me you went ahead and kissed Gareth in front of my fucking face?!" He shouted angrily, his mouth pursued and his pupils dilated.

I frowned and shook my head, "Are you serious right now Sebastian? You kissed Nellie! I just saw you!!" I yelled back, climbing onto my top toes so that our faces where inches apart.

"She kissed me! I didn't even do anything, I was trying to pry her off me!" He said in bewilderment, making me feel like a fool as it dawned on me that he did, in fact look, like he was pushing her off, but I was so angry at the sight that I wasn't thinking.

"I thought you where kissing her..."

"So you decided to kiss Gareth in front of me?" He started to laugh, flinging his arms in the air.

"I can't believe this. You're so infuriating Y/N! You never think before you act, you just go on a rampage and don't care who you hurt in the process." He barked, his tone laced with disdain.

"Can you blame me? I walked in on you two before! What did you expect me to think?" I defended, my own arms getting expressive as my face turned sour.

Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose, and he started to take deep breaths to calm himself, his eyes fluttering to a close. I felt so stupid in that moment, all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry. What the hell was I thinking? Why did I do this? I screamed at myself internally.

"I expected you to trust me." He finally said, his bronze swirls fully focused on me as his hair swayed with the wind.

My bottom lip trembled, and I wiped a tear that ran down my cheek with the back of my hand. "How do you expect me to trust you when all you have done is break it?"

All the hurt that I had bottled up had reached the surface, bubbling over so that I now started to sob, my heart hammering against my chest as I let it all in. The memories of our time together moulded with the ones where he broke my heart, and once again, I was back to being the weak little girl I had tried so hard to forget.

Sebastian's eyes softened, his lips parting as he took in my words. He tried to reach out to me but I pulled back, my emotions open and ready to fire.

"You meant the world to me Sebastian. I did everything I could to help save your be there for you when everyone else turned their back on you. But all you did was make me suffer, made me watch as you took my heart and broke it. I wanted nothing more than to be with you, to show you how much I-..." my words failed me, my voice cracking as I struggled to come to terms with what my heart was trying to say.

"Y/N I-"

I ran past him, my tears leaving a trail as I grabbed a nearby broom (which most probably belonged to Poppy or Natty) and shot through the sky, making my way back to Hogwarts.

Upon my return, I slammed the door of my room and sunk to the ground, sobbing loudly. I couldn't breathe, my rib cage felt like it was going to crack and pierce my lungs and at that point, I wish it did.

"I have always had feelings for you Y/N. I think you are the most incredible girl I have ever met and I want to be with you."

My mind started flashing images of when Sebastian had confessed to me in our seventh year, and I screamed, my fingers digging into my skull as I begged it to stop.

"I-I feel the same way Sebastian...I..."

A loud knock at my door shot me back to reality, and I scurried to my feet, wiping my face as my fingers fidgeted with the knob.

I opened the door and to my surprise, Ominis stood there, his face filled with worry.

(Sorry for the short chapter, really busy this weekend!) x

Moth to a Slytherin (Sebastian Sallow X Female MC)Where stories live. Discover now