Chapter 24

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Playlist - Yours by Ella Henderson 

1890 - The Undercroft 

For some odd reason, which left me absolutely baffled, I was stuck in the Undercroft with Sebastian because Ominis decided to lock us in here. I was livid to say the least, mostly because I had not long had the conversation with him about my feelings for Sebastian, in confidence, might I add. That boy was lucky he was so adorable, otherwise I would have flung him to the ceiling with bombarda. 

But alas, here I stood, awkwardly fidgeting with my fingers as the freckled boy stared at me with those copper eyes of his that called me in every time I looked at him. The edges of his mouth lifted up slightly, his nose scrunching as he wrapped his arms over his chest with a glint in his eyes. I could not believe that he found this amusing - perhaps the two of them where playing a cruel jest on me?

The room felt terribly suffocating, as if the walls were starting to close in on me, and my lungs where fighting for some air that my mouth refused to provide them. I clapped my sweaty palms together and I cleared the lump that got stuck in my throat, before I turned around to face the boy who made my heart flutter every time his fingers grazed mine. The boy who encouraged me to let out a laugh even when I was drowning myself in negative thoughts. 

"Nice day?" I said, almost instantly kicking myself for the foolish question I had just asked. The chuckle that Sebastian produced made my cheeks flourish in a rosy tint, and I dug my teeth into my bottom lip as I let my embarrassment swallow me. 

"Truth be told, I expected to be half way to the tomb by now...but for some reason, being here with you, is where it seems I should be." He asserted, his tone vulnerable yet confident, as if his heart was spilling out from his chest. 

I took in a deep breath as I allowed my legs to walk me towards him, only a few inches distancing us as our eyes never left each others. "What of Anne?" I whispered, my voice cracking slightly at the end as I dipped my head down to glance at him through my lashes. 

"For the past year, I have dedicated my life to saving my sister. But I forgot who I was in the process...I forgot that I have a life of my own. Until..." He was closer now, his breath hitting my face and I could take in that scent I had grown accustomed to. It was if he was bathed in the sea and the forest, the two colliding to create this human being that had my heart at the palm of his hand. 

"Until?" I murmured, suddenly feeling shy. 

"You walked into my life." I gasped, the silent wisps of the air in the Undercroft concealing my reaction as our fingers stroked each other softly, sending electricity throughout my entire body.  

"Why are you here right now?" I muttered, my breath barely able to keep up with my thudding heart beat as his beautiful dark irises explored mine. 

"Because you're my friend." 

My heart shattered as the word 'friend' gently left his rosy lips, and I felt my brows screw up in chagrin as I realised then that my mind was always right. I was nothing more to Sebastian than a friend, a girl who could help him save his sister. This was something I had to accept, so I could move on and - 

"And because, when you told me we should part ways, it was pretty much the worst thing I had heard, in a very long time." I felt his fingers tuck away the strands that had fallen across my eyes, as his face started to inch closer to mine so that our noses where almost touching. Every morsel in my body was screaming out at me, the pulse in my neck fighting it's way out of my skin as I let all the tension that held me in place, fade away. 

"I think we both know I never really wanted that to happen." I admitted, my eyes finally lifting up to meet his. 

We moved together, my hands sliding up his chest as his cupped my cheek until, our lips moulded together, in the most beautiful moment I had ever experienced in my life. All the things that I read in muggle books were true, because as soon as he kissed me, my heart exploded into a starry of fireworks. I let him in, all of him as he kissed me with so much passion, that I could feel his feelings for me. 

With him, I wasn't afraid of the world anymore, I wasn't scared of the battle I had to face with Ranrok. It was just Sebastian and I against all the evils that tried to tear us apart. And in this moment, everything felt right. He felt right. There was nothing that could compare to the beauty that melted against me as I pulled him to me, my fingers grasping at those glorious curls that entranced me when I first met him in the Dark Arts Classroom. 

He was a flame and I was a moth - we were drawn to each other, even if it meant this union was going to be a dangerous one, I couldn't help myself. Sebastian had made many mistakes in his life, but right now, I knew that he was the most sure he had ever been. It was then that I knew that I was his, my heart and soul bound to him just as my grandmother once explained to me. 

"When you meet your soulmate, it will feel like the most beautiful ocean, crashing down on your heart." 

And this is what I felt in that moment. I wanted to be his everything, I wanted to protect him him. Sebastian and I where meant to be, this I was certain of. 

As we pulled apart, our foreheads rested against one another, our breaths heavy but we both wore a smile that symbolised how much we cared for each other, how much our hearts ached for one another. 

Ominis, Thank you. 

Moth to a Slytherin (Sebastian Sallow X Female MC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora