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(sorry for not updating my dog died and my grandpa crashed his car)

i don't know how long i was out for.

i woke up delirious and unsure of where i even was.

there was a pounding sensation in my head. i opened my right eye, met with a blinding white light. but, no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't seem to open my left one.

then i felt the tight bandage around my head. i paused to process, before slowly lifting my hand up and touching the area where my left eye was supposed to be. i was met with a wet fabric.

when i pulled my hand back, it was covered in ragu sauce.

that's when i started screaming.

"WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK WHERE AM I" i exclaimed, jumping out of the bed i was laid upon. i immediately collapsed face first onto the floor.

i laid there until two sets of feet entered the room and approached me. one, who's hands were wrinkly, placed a finger to my neck.

"she's still conscious." the masculine voice informed.

"put her under again." the other voice, feminine, replied. she scoffed, walking around of the room with angry steps. "we don't have the time for this."

she slammed the door behind her, and i weakly managed to push myself up to look at the man.

"what's... going on...." i choked out. i became aware of how dry my throat was.

"nothing much." the man, who i noticed was wearing scrubs, replied. he paused, letting out a giggle to himself. "oh, you mean what's going on with you?"


"well," he unsheathed a large syringe from the cabinet he was at, thinking for a moment. "well. i would say you're screwed."

"what the hell... happened..." i sputtered out.

"you were bait you know." he cackled, turning around to me. his name tag read joe biden. "you're being recruited to our cult, silly."

the adventures of rigatoni pastaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat