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Important y/n in this will have DID. I do not have it so please tell me if I got something wrong. Y/n has 2 other in their head. One is basically a kid. The other is a psychopath. The kid is y/n-chan,and the psychopath is y/n-kun.

Y/n's quirk: Multi voice

How y/n's quirk function(for all of you): You can speak any language. Your voice can go as loud,or quiet as the user wants.

How y/n's quirk function(for y/n): You can monipulate inanimate object to your will using your voice.

How y/n's quirk function(for y/n-chan): They(you?) can you their voice to manipulate any living thing to their will.

How y/n's quirk function(for y/n-kun): They can cause massive hallucinations of any thing to any living thing.
Drawbacks: Voice/throat hurts or goes mute for a bit. Some light headedness.

Y/n's pov: Today is worst dayever. I mean today me and crush die.

Or so I thought l.

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