Chapter 3

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  All they did right now  was eat their food together 

MJ is eating her mac and cheese and had it with her french fries and after she was finished with it 

she saved some room for dessert and so did Peter but due to his fast metabolism and quick appetite  he was already finished with pizza mac and cheese french fries also some chicken strips along with it 

luckily they still had some leftover dessert from aunt anna MJ's aunt from the wedding she gave them when they left to go home 

two of them were already finished though but there were just two so there weren't many battles in it or whatever  and sometimes 

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two of them were already finished though but there were just two so there weren't many battles in it or whatever  and sometimes 

Pretty much every day her aunt Anna would deliver food to Peter's house breakfast lunch dinner dessert since she had a lot of food still left at the wedding, especially the wedding cake there was a slice she gave to some of the guests of her wedding 

I mean ever since she found out where Peter lived and how she found out both MJ and Peter did but she never found out about MJ and Brad and about what he did 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N I wasn't sure what chapter to add to the graduation so I'm doing it in the earliest chapter since I'm tired of them still being stuck in high school so it's time for them to grow up and go to collage

since I don't want to make that long anymore but it's whatever hope you feel the same way about this with me

I skipped the guy with the last name A and I will be skipping a couple of people

since i don't really care about them much and also i didn't graduate high school yet

so I have no idea how that works

I'm just um guessing and using the ones from the movies or shows

since i hardly know how to so sorry if I got it wrong

I'm also not sure if there was one supposed to be after school so I'm sorry if i got some of it wrong 

there were will be also flashback ones before they graduated you can see them if you like or  if i feel like it i will add them though 

End Of A/N 

Time skip It was Thursday, June 1st, 2025 

 MJ and Peter woke up early excited and pumped since it was the last day of school and this is what they wore for that day 

MJ wore this 

She just wore a casual baggy outfit while Peter just wore a midtown sweater along with some skinny jeans 

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She just wore a casual baggy outfit while Peter just wore a midtown sweater along with some skinny jeans 

It was also the day they didn't need to bring their backpacks finally they couldn't wait for today to be over  

today's also  The day when seniors wait in the auditorium where the seniors wait to find out who graduates from high school and their speeches and the final of it is after school though outside the graduation center sat up for them 

Principal Morticia was the one who was doing the announcement for it as everyone sat there most of them feeling nervous if they will make it out or not

Principal Morticia: Alright so the lists of students that made um your generation i think calls it a hell hole excuse my guy's language but also i think you guys call it prison place or whatever you kids are now adults with a life and future ahead of you

Principal Morticia: So the list of students in alphabetical order was doing last names so students who made it please stand up and get your graduation ballots

Principal Mortica: Alright uhm first we have uh Sally Avaril as claps came around and cheers

Sally stood up took her ballot and made her speech there

Sally: Thank you, guys, for believing in me and for me finally escaping here since i didn't like any of you guys here but who was there to tell me what to do any more freedom here I come yay, and love you, Mom and dad

Her parents cheered her for mentioning them and clapping loudly in support of their daughter

Sally And sucks to you guys there that you have no parents those who don't suck to be you I guess later bitches

Sally dropped her microphone loudly making everyone ear speech and leaving the stage to sit in her seat

Principal Mortica: Next up is Miss Betty Brant 

A lot of people were cheering for her as her name came to that place even Brad and Hannah did too 

She stood up from her seat and took her ballot and shake the teacher's hand 

Betty: Thank you everyone thank you all so much except for Brad Davis 

but I cant wait I want to thank my two amazing moms for this success

 my friends best friends Peter and  MJ for always trusting and believing in me and everything you do thank you love you all

 except for Brad and Jaxon and maybe Hannah but she changed so she's no longer my rival anymore so sorry  if I said that to you and I forgive you since you changed and grew 

also, I can't lie to my audience because you know what they say honestly is the best policy  and for my amazing boyfriend Ned 

the light and love of my life i can't wait to spend my life and the rest of the future with you and I was wrong thinking we were better than friends when I've always loved your friendly, nerdy  helpful, enthusiastic, and calm personality so it was hard not to so uh that's all and I'm thankful to be going to my dream college and the future that has been planned for me 

Everyone clapped for her as she left the stage bowing politely putting the microphone away 


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