Chapter 14

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Sorry if I didn't  update since I was taking a break from writing stories for some reason I completely lost motivation for it

I never feel like it so sorry to those who were waiting for them wrong on it also I had to do a blood test and how I had a hard time moving my arms from not only losing bad but then taking noddle check so I had a lot going on and after that, I was tired and felt my arms tiring everything was and have so much homework to do as well so again who could blame me for all the long wait

End of A/n
They walked together to first-class together which was Algebra with Miss Spencer

MJ and Peter stepped into their first college class, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves

MJ and Peter were filled with a blend of excitement and nerves as they entered their first college class. Miss Spencer, their professor, stood at the front of the room, eager to embark on this new academic journey alongside them

As the class settled in, Miss Spencer introduced herself, her warm smile putting the students at ease

She explained how the upcoming semester would unfold, outlining the key topics they would explore and the coursework they would undertake

MJ and Peter's excitement grew as they realized the incredible range of knowledge they were about to acquire

Miss Spencer's passion for the subject shone through as she discussed the significance of the class and the real-world applications of what they would learn

Her enthusiasm was infectious, captivating the students and fueling their determination to excel in the course

Throughout the semester, Miss Spencer proved to be an exceptional teacher. She fostered an inclusive and engaging learning environment, encouraging collaboration, and valuing every student's input

She challenged MJ and Peter to think critically, pushing them to explore beyond the confines of the classroom

The class, with Miss Spencer's guidance, delved deep into their studies, discussing complex concepts, conducting experiments, and sharing their perspectives

MJ and Peter, in particular, found themselves growing both academically and personally. Their confidence soared as they realized their ability to contribute meaningfully to class discussions and tackle challenging assignments

As the semester drew to a close, MJ and Peter reflected on how far they had come since that very first day. With Miss Spencer's guidance, they had not only gained knowledge but had also developed lifelong skills, such as critical thinking and effective communication

They were grateful for the impact she had made on their educational journey

There Stepping out of the classroom, MJ and Peter felt a renewed sense of purpose and a stronger belief in their capabilities

They were ready to face future academic challenges head-on and embrace all that college had to offer and as they continued their journey, they would always remember

Miss Spencer as the teacher who ignited their passion for learning and helped shape their bright futures

Who lot of say she is super cheerful and understanding and treats her students like her own friends

she doesn't give off a lot of homework just once or twice depending on the things going on in their class

so Miss Spencer is  very likable by her peers and by teachers as well

she might not be the most fun teacher but  she isn't as spiteful or you know boring as her other teachers most of them in this case are but not Miss Spencer she isn't boring at all you know

Peter and MJ when they showed up they were a minute late to class since right after they showed up the late bell rang on them

so all eyes were on them but Miss Spencer didn't care too much she just gave them a smile at them

oh are you guys Peter and Michelle  Ms Spencer asked them who just entered the classroom awkwardly standing there wondering if they were in the right room for a second

They were since Ned and Betty waved at them gesturing for them a sit next to them

yeah we are MJ said bluntly to Ms Spencer

okay then you two take a seat anywhere really it doesn't matter to me as long you're  not getting distracted by your friends or peers there and focus on your lessons Ms. Spencer said happily

okay MJ said unamused

Peter just sat anywhere in an empty spot in front of Betty and Ned

MJ went where Peter's going and sat there as well

okay then Ms Spencer said with a smile

In their first college class, MJ and Peter found themselves seated next to each other

As they settled into their seats, they observed the other students entering the room

Among them was Betty, an enthusiastic classmate who seemed eager to make connections and engage in the coursework it turns out there not the only ones late some showed up late too which is a relief for them but still

Throughout the class,

MJ and Peter noticed how Betty actively participated, always raising her hand to ask questions or share her thoughtsB

It was clear that she had a strong desire to excel academically and contribute to discussions like she always did

MJ and Peter, on the other hand, focused on taking in the new environment and adapting to the college experience

While they admired Betty's drive, they approached this first class with their own set of needs and expectations

They wanted to establish a solid foundation for their studies, build friendships, and explore their respective fields of interest

Despite their different perspectives and motivations, MJ, Peter, and Betty all embarked on this college journey with a shared commitment to learning and growth . Throughout their time at college, they encountered numerous challenges, pushing them out of their comfort zones and testing their resilient

However, they relied on each other for support and encouragement, forming an unbreakable bond of friendship

Together, they attended lectures, engaged in thought-provoking discussions, and spent countless hours in the library, immersing themselves in knowledge

Their shared commitment to learning and growth not only fueled their academic success but also shaped their personal development as individuals. They learned to embrace failure as a stepping stone towards improvement and to approach every opportunity with an open mind

This shared journey not only deepened their understanding of their respective fields but also cultivated a lifelong passion for continuous learning

Ned sat nervously in his first college class, unsure of what to expect

The room was filled with eager students, ready to embark on this new academic journey

As the professor began speaking, Ned's excitement grew

 We've been dealing with the problem for weeksFor several weeks, we have been attempting to solve this issue The teacher said 

as he  listened intently, soaking in every word, determined to make the most of this opportunity. The class discussions were stimulating, and Ned found himself engaged and participating actively

Although he felt a mix of excitement and apprehension, Ned knew deep down that this was the beginning of something great

 He was ready to dive headfirst into his collage experience and embrace all the challenges and triumphs that awaited him just like his friends did and his girlfriend betty of course


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