Chapter 18

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A/N Before we start this chapter some of been complaining about my first one not being angst so i decied to had one a flashback chapter of it since then so hopefully you guys will enjoy it becuase i tried my best on it 

Flashback to Michelle and Peter 

WHY PETER HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME TO US GIVE UP ON US LIKE  THAT Michelle said sobbing angerily at him 

Peter was just slient he didn't say anything and just had tears spilling down his face 


BECAUSE I DIDNT WANT LOSE YOU NOT AGAIN NOT NED TOO I THOUGHT YOU GUYS Deserved better i made your guys life worse and i-

STOP Right there Parker you know very well that's not true i dont want hear any more of that you know its not true MJ said quickly sobbing even more hugging him as Peter sobbed on her arms even more whispering im so sorry 

MJ: Its okay i promise you that's okay ive been to harsh on you i just-i-its just you were the only person i truely loved and felt like you understood me and its just you did so much and i loved your compassion always helping others even me when i was sort of a dick to you and i just loved you i fell in love with peter parker then when spiderman came along to your life i still loved you there's in no between those two 

Im s-

i know i went to far okay i shouldn't have gotten mad i just didnt want to lose you too because i didnt want give on you even though you already have given up yourself that dosnt matter MJ said sympatheticly 

 i know i just felt like everyone i love in my life seems to die away and i didn't want that for you guys after i lost may i dont think i wasn't even the same anymore and then i dont know i gucess you might think its stupid Peter said sadly 

no its not at least tell me MJ said concerned 

Peter: its what jameson and doctor strange one of them told me all ive done is cause chaos and havoc i destroy everything i touch i ruined it and The problem is all those villains and you being hurt was because of me i was going to but when i saw that bruise on your forehead it reminded me that you cant be hurt any more you guys should move on with your lives be happy but i reazlied it was just my own worry i talked to doctor strange even he admitted he was to harash on me a little bit that he never meant for me to do that its your guys choice too not mine i shouldn't make that choice for you 

MJ couldnt feel more emotional feel more bad about whats he been through all the stuff peter had to endure and face that's not fair 

she understands that Peter has his problems trauma even with that she just has to support him that's all he would want and what she wants too 

She put her hands on his head to his neck pulling him closer to her head having foreheads touch  together

Then they let go then just stared at each other   

I love you MJ so much with all my heart Peter said happily with tears in his eyes and then he took her hand and put it in his chest showing he was true to his word 

She could just tell in his eyes but the way he does it she knows it too 

End OF Flashback 

Peter and MJ 

They worked it out they did 

Breakfast was a success and school today for them was also a success which is great for today 

The Continuation of no way home P7Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ