Chapter 8

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The graduation is over because students some gathering with their friends with their friends 

But for some reason Peter is gonna miss this place he remembers all the memories and adventures he has there it felt like he was stuck there forever 

Peter walks back to the stand to hug MJ and Ned who were just standing there looking around 

I can't believe we finished high school together Peter says happily to them his arms still wrapped around them 

yeah me too Ned says excitedly 

yeah surprise im actually  looking quite forward to going to MIT MJ said bluntly with a smile 

same here i can't believe we'll be spending some time together Betty says excitedly 

way to go Parker Flash said with a cheer then walked away 

i have to go my mom probably wants a picture Ned said bluntly then walked away leaving Peter MJ and Betty 

same here Betty said noticing that her moms are  calling her over here 

Michelle Shelly darling me and your father are so proud of you we knew you could do it i knew you could-

I'm gonna stop you right there you said it yourself that i wasn't gonna be able to do it and now after you literally slapped my boyfriend then tried to slap me you wanna act like your proud of me is that you want those people around you think so what now your proud of me and didn't just spent years thinking i wasn't good enough for you or anyone else so i rather spend it with someone who actually loved me and didn't treat me like trash who actually had faith in me and that person isn't you- 

Its peter isn't it-

Yes Madeline it is you should go don't you have something better to do like gossip to your aunties about me why don't you go ahead and do that instead MJ said sternly holding Peter's hand and walking away from her mom leaving Madeline speechless loss for words


go away liam I don't want you either just because you tried to defend me from Mom doesn't mean you stopped her all those years for years you noticed how she treated me and you went along with it you were never on my side then all of sudden you were then at the wedding you didn't even fend for me you let it happen and peter was able to be the first one to do something when you told him to back off or when you didn't do anything when she slapped peter or when she grabbed me or was about to hit me in the face and you have a lot of nerve to act like you do when peter is always been there more than you ever did so I'm still mad at you for leaving me during my junior year no calls no reason nothing leaving me with her 

I'm sorry I really am but I'm trying to be a good dad to you to be a better father for you ill always love and protect you shelly you don't have listen to word peter says he's making you say all these the- 

no, he's not making me do anything at least he's more of a man than you'll ever be Peter doesn't make my decisions I do i choose what's best for me, not you not even Peter Me my choice What best for me is to stay the hell away from you and mom from the family so don't expect me to come back I'm done 


Peter just lowered her away from Liam walking to her hand and hand then celebrating their graduation then Happy walked in proud of them then Peter lets out MJ's hand to quickly hug Happy when he saw him and Happy leaned in the hug 

Then they let go 

that was a good speech kid im sure your aunt may be very proud of you Happy said softly to Peter 

yeah I can just imagine her crying nonstop and cheering me loudly on the audience and will taking lots of pictures  she would  make herself the center of attention from it but I know she is and she knows too Peter said with a smile as his hands were held on MJ 

You kids are growing up so fast these days i still remembered when you were in Germany when you were 14 but now you a whole new man with your girlfriend perhaps the love of your life I'm really proud of you Pete and I'm sure Tony would May would you done it i couldn't be more prouder Happy said with a smile start to tear up a little 

aww Happy thank you and thank you for coming even though I asked you to but you came Peter said then hugging to him 

 MJ smiled at them seeing Peter with his mentor whom he knew for so long someone who loves and cares for him as much she did 

Hey Peter Karen said cheerfully with Matt Foggy Jennifer as well 

wow you guys came to Peter said happily 

yeah you think we will miss your graduation and Matt has been talking about it to Foggy said happily excited 

whatever I did so Matt said annoyed 

yeah he has Matthew won't admit this but he talks about you a lot and I also know that you know who and  Before you say anything he didn't tell me I found out it didn't take long for me to put two and two together your secret's safe I kept Matt's and ill keep yours Jennifer said bluntly 

aww really Peter said happily as he wrapped him into a hug with Matt just leaning in too 

of course, she did why is that not a surprise  MJ said bluntly 

hey guys im back Betty said cheerfully 

so am I Ned added with a peace sign up 


MIT Here we come They all said Ned Betty Peter and MJ all held their hands down together then put it up with a chant 


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