Chapter 20

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A/n:before we start Felica never dated Flash thompson what they had was completly platonic or did i in my other stories of no way home made them a couple because i dont know if i did or not because that wasnt supposed to happen if i did then maybe they broke up since Felicia felt it was wrong to stay for Flash when shes starting to fall in love with someone else and no longer him so i dont know im to lazy to flip back to check so please let me know if i did and if you dont know then thats okay also Felicia isnt a Lesiban she'll still be be bi in the comics and jsut like the spiderman 2 video game which made me thrilled they made it canon so thats pretty much it 

then boom the lights flickered on and a shout of surprise approached her

 SUPRISE  they all shouted at Michelle as she acted surprised about it and like she wasn't expecting it 

The people were there were Ned, Betty, Flash, Harry, Gwen, Cindy, Eddie Brock, Felicia

Tamara was Felicas Girlfriend 

There were other people as well that were at the party that betty knew or that Flash Thompson  invited in order for MJ to have a great birthday party 

Michelle was so happy to the party

Thank you, guys, so much i had no idea about it MJ told them a lie 

Ned knew and so did Betty but they just decided to play along 

You look so pretty Betty said happily admring her birthday look 

Yeah you look hot CIndy said happily 

Um thats bit you know Felicia said confused with Cindy's comment 

sorry Cindy said nervously 

 its fine MJ said not really caring 

Im right here Flash said annoyed with his girlfriend 

Okay Cindy is all she said 

So Birthday girl what should we do first Betty said happily 

i don't know actually but i want to look around for a little as others were annoyed and groaned loudly by it 

I want some cake Gwen said annoyed 

Same here Harry said agreeing with her 

Hey guys this is the birthday girl's choice, not yours thank you Betty said sternly with a smile 

so she couldn't help but look around 

The room was decorated there were balloons scattered around and ribbons all around as well 

It was different colors but also some purple and pink on them not to mention their food all on the table 

It was almost like a buffet 

There was a candy section called candy bar on them 

Twizzlers, M&Ms, sour gummy worms, Rainbow Candy belts, Sour Patch Kids, Starbursts, Skittles, Milky Way, Nerds, Snickers, Reese's peanut butter cups, Lollipops 

There were 12 different  kinds of candies there since Betty did a poll on candies people wanted and also ones MJ liked 

the table they were sitting on was decorated as well with little roses on plates napkins plastic silverware on them 

Over to the side was a drink section where there were plastic cups with bows wrapped around them and there were water bottles also with ribbons 

There was a juice stand dispenser with pink lemonade on it along with other drink choices with medium Fruit Juice and apple orange juice boxes 

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