Chapter 22

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Peter locked the door on his way mostly in case Brad tried to get inside 

But when he saw Brad on the window glass outside standing there out of petty 

Peter pulled the same exact move on him like Brad did when he was about to leave MJ 

Because of his spiderman duties when Brad pointed out his middle finger to him and sat next to MJ Infruiting him 

So he did that exact same thing but he did with a smile a mean one 

Brad was furious and tried to get closer to the window 

Then Peter put the curtains close it on him 

When Brad just left in anger knowing that he couldnt win this at least with peter around 

Wow Peter since when did you become such a savage MJ said suprised with laugh 

Peter: Um i dont know since Brad came in the picture hes still that annoying kid minus the nose bleeds 

You mean when you punched him MJ said with smirk 

Yeah and ill do it again Peter said with a smile holding out both her hands 

Well lover boy wrap this up because were waiting for you so i can open my gifts mostly yours MJ said annoyed then she had shy smile saying yours

oh Peter said with realization as he didnt even know everyone was waiting for him all this time 

  MJ and Peter left not holding hands this time but just walking Peter was the one who felt more embrassed about it 

They sat back down all huddled up wanting to see what MJ got 

MJ picked a present that was closest to her 

It was Felicia's gift 


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MJ had a nervous smile when she was about to open her gift 

Okay what am i gonna get MJ said feeling embrassed as all eyes were on her when she was opening her gifts 

She opened it and removed the paper wraps over it 

the first one was a black dress 

Except it wasnt one she would normally wear 

It was to revealing for her taste 

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