Chapter 10

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Before they were flying they had to check in first 

The whole process took almost forty minutes, however, if they had all gone in one line or had to fend for themselves, it probably would have taken a lot longer

 Next, they all proceeded to the customs 

Ned was the first one to go through and as soon as he walked through the censor, it  didn't go off

 Although it was slightly chaotic trying to get everyone through customs as quickly as possible, everyone made it through after about twenty-five minutes 

Great That will be fun. What's your seat number?" Peter said curiosity about Ned 

They all  pulled out their boarding passes and checked their seats "I'm 32A" Peter said 

"I'm  35C ," Ned said sadly 

 Michelle smiled and let out a laugh 

I got 32B Cool, I get the window seat then MJ said happily 

ok then Peter said bluntly smiling that he got to sit next to his MJ 

They were on their plane MJ and Peter sitting next to each other while Ned was assigned seats next to Betty

"How long is the flight again? Peter asked reclining back into his cushioned chair and closing his eyes

 "I think it's almost five hours or something," MJ answered while smiling up at him as Peter laid his head on her shoulder 

It didn't take long during the entirety of their flight Peter was sleeping I guess all those days of hero work got him more exhausted than ever 

even when they sat next to each other during that last day of their trip it was like that as well since after fighting Mysterio he got a long eventful nap 

Time skip 

Its June 8th, 2025 

It was the early morning

Michelle looked up to see everyone sitting around the gate starting to stand while she looked to see Peter still sleeping restfully 

Betty and Ned stood as well, clearly ready to board the plane, but Michelle knew better and remained in her seat everyone else had stood up

Then she shook Peter awake 

Peter peter peter wake up we're here MJ said softly shaking him awake 

uh what it's morning here already that was quick Peter said confused being fully awake now and no longer feeling tired 

yes and you literally have slept through the entire flight again MJ said in smiling disbelief with him 

Then they got up to go along with everyone else as they walked down the plane together and of course,

 There was another flight they had to go on in order they had to go to get to Boston there 

This is just the first flight they got to and now they have to go to the second one dang it 

You guys hungry?" Peter asked, looking at Michelle and Ned also at Betty as well 

Yes Betty said happily while MJ and Ned both nodded 

 They went to the cafe to get something to eat since their flight there didn't start yet so why not dine in and chat so together they made their way over to a café in the food court 

Peter was about to say something but their food and drinks arrived before he had the chance 

For about a  while the three of them ate and laughed as they joked around, wasting time before they needed to board the plane 

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