Chapter 21

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uh Mr. Waston Ned said in shock as he wasn't expecting him to be in Boston or be outside of Betty's house 

 Hello Ned is Michelle here Liam said nervously looking around for his any signs of his daughter 

Uh no shes-

Babe did you see whos at  the door Betty said excitedly 

Please tell me its not Brad again MJ said annoyed as she noticed it was her dad at the door and she quickly hid from him 

Michelle please Shelly-

Dad i dont want you here i dont wanna go back home period so you can tell mom to suck it MJ said quickly not wanting anything to do with her dad 

Uh Mr.Waston MJ doesn't want you here sir Ned said nervously trying to close the door 

When her dad just quickly blurted out loudly WERE NO LONGER TOGETHER 

There were gasps and shocks across the room and Michelle was dumbfounded and in disbelief and had this uneasy feeling 

You sir need to leave Peter said coldly to him as he was rubbing MJ's shoulder trying to comfort her 

Wait You and Mom are no longer together MJ said sadly in shock as Liam came in the door 

Ned and Betty weren't sure if they were supposed to kick him out anymore 

No we not we signed the divorce papers you know after this we can live together just the two of us and your mo-

Hold on what wait MJ said panicking and still in shock finding out as she was trying to remain strong 

when you left we sort of settled it Liam said sadly as MJ was in disbelief 

She was the reason why her parents were apart and why her family was falling apart

I said Leave now  Peter said coldly with a bit of anger  as he noticed Michelle's discomfort 

Okay um happy birthday sweetheart Liam said trying to lighten the situation 

 Here is your present i got for you Liam said putting on the plies of gifts she had 

Then Liam left after that and went back reazling what he just done 

Michelle Stormed off upstairs silently sobbing hysterically as Peter went after her 

MJ wait Peter said worriedly for her 

She didn't reply and then went up somewhere to hide away in Betty's bedroom 

When she tried to close the door Peter quickly caught the door with a look of concern 

MJ you dont wanna talk thats fine Peter said going after her when she sat in Betty's bed sobbing 

no its not that it just seems like i fucked up my parents marriage i never wanted them apart not at least  its because of me  MJ said sadly as Peter pulled her closer wrapping her in a hug

Peter:Look your parents divorce isnt your fault it seems clear that they never got along because it had nothing to do with you you know its just some people arent just meant to be togther 

I mean my dad just expects me to move in with him you know i dont know what im supposed to do MJ said snuffling her sobs

You dont have to though its your choice if you want to then okay if not then dont its up to you not your dad or anyone to make that descion for you ether you do or you dont thats okay Peter said comforting her shoulders giving her the cool shivers along her spines   

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