Chapter 12

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They got their bags and everything and now they have to go by bus to go to MIT there 

Peter and Ned started talking about how excited they were and what they wanted to do in MIT and Michelle attempted to take off her backpack 

 however, it was quite difficult, seeing as one of her hands was preoccupied 

Peter looked back at her before looking down at their still-joined hands

He also took the opportunity to take his bag off and slip it under the seat in front of them

Michelle unclipped her bag and slipped the straps off her shoulders 

 She quickly opened her bag and pulled out a book before zipping it back up 

 When she leaned down to stow away her bag, she put her foot through the loop of one of the straps before putting it down 

"MJ, why did you do that?" Ned asked, having watched her 

"Because, if the bus breaks really aggressively my bag won't go sliding down under all the seats, it's stuck on my leg 

He looked impressed, "Clever idea, let's do that too Ned said to Betty 

As the bus finally started to move Michelle opened her book and started to read

Tomorrow is your birthday aren't you excited that you'll be turning 18 Peter said happily 

no not really to be honest I don't really care too much about birthdays you know MJ said bluntly 

oh Peter said 

but my favorite part of it is mostly the cake and that's it anything else is meh MJ said bluntly while her eyes are still focused on her book 

i get that but I still want to make it special for you Peter said bluntly with a little smile 

whatever its, not even today so I won't worry about it right now MJ said annoyed hiding that little smile 

i saw you smile Peter said with a grinning tease 

whatever MJ said with an annoyed smile 

i can't wait to get there MIT here we come Peter said happily 

yeah same here MJ said with a little smile

Then a few minutes and an hour's drive they went they got to the bus stop of the MIT building to see a bunch of students there already going there entering the building 

This is what it looks like the building of MIT and of course, some students added the Captain America shield's there to honor him or something most people were confused with it but they stuck with it I guess 

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This is what it looks like the building of MIT and of course, some students added the Captain America shield's there to honor him or something most people were confused with it but they stuck with it I guess 

When they entered inside there

It was even bigger in the inside as well 

Woah Peter said in shock admiring how huge the building was on the inside as well 

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Woah Peter said in shock admiring how huge the building was on the inside as well 

I know it's huge Ned said in shock 

yeah it's amazing it looks just like it does online Betty added 

MJ just silently admired too and looked around 

Hey guys welcome to MIT The teacher said excitedly as some students here entered 

um thank you uh-

Miss Penny, she quickly said happily 

oh did you guys find your dorms Miss Penny said happily 

uh no not yet miss penny we were just about to Peter said nervously 

oh okay just state your name there and they'll give you the dorm room key in case you didn't know its right here Miss Penny said bluntly pointing at the reservation center there 

oh uh thank you miss penny for the assistance Peter said happily 

Miss Penny: no problem let me know if you guys need anything feel free to let me know i make it my priority to feel students welcome and be able to know where they're going since you know its a big place lots of people get lost there so you guys need a map 

oh no we're good i have it on my phone so I will be helping them lead the place thank you though Miss Penny for the offer Im betty by the way Betty said cheerfully 

oh okay nice to meet you Betty I check on the other students to see if they need miss penny's help bye She said then walking away from the scene 

 shes nice Peter said bluntly 

yeah she is Betty added 

anyways let's go find our dorms first before we go to class first MJ added 

ok let's go then Peter added 

They all went to reservation rooms and of course their dorms they were neighbors there not only Peter and MJ were sharing a dorm together but Betty and Ned are sharing a dorm together 

I mean they didn't all get the dorm together as they wanted but at least they got to be with their significant other mean was Peter's luck turning up for him 

he couldn't believe it at all that was i guess a first for him so he was happy that he finally got to his dream college like he wanted that graduated and everything is just going so well MJ is always by his side 

How happy he was for that all to happen his dreams coming true 

Peter pushed the key into the door and when he heard the click of the door unlocking 

 he turned the knob and opened the door 

 "Oh wow," said Peter as he saw the room, which although small, was extremely cozy looking 

 He and MJ walked in and dropped their bags in the little doorway 

Peter looked around, able to see the full room now 

The walls were beige and the curtains that donned the window overlooking the Beautiful pine trees blowing away with the clear view of the sky there 

a truly mesmerizing sight 

There were two beds against the wall that separated their room and Ned and Betty's room 

 Just looking at the beds made Peter want to flop on top of them and sink into them. 

They had white puffy quilts and three pillows each and Above their beds was a picture of an actress, who Peter believed to be Audrey Hepburn, May loves her how much he misses her so how he never expected her to die so soon how it didn't felt so long how she was gone man he was still mourning for her 

There was also a small black reading chair with a singular pillow next to a lamp in the corner of the room 

Wonder if their room is the same as ours? He thought to himself 

TO BE CONTINUED.......... 

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