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John B and Sarah stood leaning against a low table covered in pearlescent cloth, tall empty wine glasses in front of them. A white linen, thin shirt clung at John Bs chest, loose tie draped around his wide, open collar neck. Sarah's floral baby pink cropped, hoisted-at-the-neck top exposed her tan, a white shiny skirt around her waist. The sun shone down on the crowd of people proudly. A small oak tree, covered with leaves, shaded the two teens from the sun.

"Yeah he kind of hated this side of the island." John B laughed about Big Johns life long hate for the kooks and figure eight.

"I don't know. After everything thats happened... it just feels different." John B explained slowly.

He thought about all the occasions him and his friends had almost died for this very treasure. How he's almost lost Sarah. How he'd almost lost JJ. Pope was kidnapped, Kiara was almost drowned and was kidnapped as well. Sarah had been shot and almost killed by her dad and her brother multiple times. And JJ had drowned and had a major head injury. Was it all really worth it for this?

"It just feels so normal, you know?" John B continued.

Sarah frowned with slight confusion. He seemed somehow unhappy?

"Kie's saving turtles. Popes going away to school..." The two looked over at JJ, who was having a conversation with Pope, a beer in hand of course.

"JJ brought the charter boat." Sarah and John B smiled at him and he gave them a wide smile in return, knowing they were talking about him.

'How did JJ go from John Bs psycho friend who used to get into fights with Topper and used to make fun of me for being a kook princess to one of my best friends, my family?' she wondered to herself.

"And we've got a killer surf shop." John B smiled again.

"Yeah thats all good right?" Sarah shrugged her shoulders whilst gazing at her boyfriend, curiously.

John B took a moment to respond, looking away and thinking carefully about his answer. Yes. It was all good It was what they dreamed about for so long. It was what they discussed out on the boardwalk the night they found Big John's tape recorder- thinking they would never actually succeed- and yes, John B thought it was good. But somehow, good wasnt enough.

On some level, he didnt want to adventure to be over.

"Yeah." John B spoke half-heartedly, trying not to sound ungrateful for everything they went through.

"Excuse me, I dont mean to interrupt." A scrawny looking, elderly man with grey hair and a briefcase approached John B and Sarah in mid conversation.

Pope noticed and walked over, JJ , Kiara and Cleo following him.

"Uh, can we help you?" Pope asked politely.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you all, its remarkable what you did." The old man smiled as the group surrounded the table.

JJ didnt know what to do with his cigarette so in a moment of panic, he awkwardly dropped it into a wine glass over at the table he was passing and pretended nothing happened. John B noticed and shot him a funny look.

"Royal Merchant," the man paused at gestured over to the poster on the glass case presentation.

"El Dorado," he continued, looking back at the group.

"Denmark Tanny." He looked at Pope in particular.

"Impressive resume, impressive." The man scrunched up his nose with awe.

The group stared at the man with curiosity, smiling with gratitude. JJ was focussed on something on the floor and shifted his feet, hands in pockets. Cleo looked over at him and he snapped back into focus.

"I was wondering if you would all be so kind as to look at an item of mine."

"Oh yeah, what kind of item is that?" Cleo asked, her Jamaican accent rich with flavour.

A leather briefcase sat upon the table and JJ gazed upon it suspiciously.

"Its a manuscript." The man replied, voice raspy.

"I would investigate it myself but Im too long in the tooth."

JJ wandered if the man did actually have long teeth like fangs.

John B and Sarah listened intently. JJ was distracted by something and looked around him and then back to the table.

"I need partners. And you were all first on my list." The man told them, smirking as if he had won the lottery.

"May I?" Pope held out his hand, stood tall.

"I was hoping you would." The stranger handed Pope the parchment papered old book gladly.

Pope flicked open the ancient papers.

JJ loosened his tie and revealed his shark tooth necklace along with a bit of his chest. All the teens peered around the book, which revealed neatly written wavy handwriting, clearly from hundreds of years ago.

"1718, jeez this is old." Pope exclaimed.

"Exhibition notes, dates." Pope flicked through quickly examining it.

"This is a captains log. This shows the exact position of the ship." John B explained to the stranger and the rest of the group.

Sarah flickered her eyes up at John B and then down again at the captains log. She admired the small drawings of old-fashioned ships in the corners of the pages, almost like something out of Peter Pan or the Pirates Of The Caribbean.

JJ frowned, looking at the handwriting.

"The exact location of where the ship sailed, and where it stopped." The old man confirmed.

After a moment of the teenagers pondering over the dusty book, JJ asked the most essential question of all- one none of them had thought to ask yet.

"Who is the captain?" The blonde, curious boy asked.

John B, Pope and Sarah glanced over at their best friend, eyes still focussed on the manuscript, and then back at the elder.

"Edward Teach." He responded, mysteriously.

The teens exchanged some confused eye contact between each other.

"Blackbeard." The stranger finally revealed, voice barely above a whisper.

Cleo smiled with surprise whilst Pope eyed John B and Sarah worriedly. Kiara seemed confused and looked over at John B who was smiling. JJ raised his eyebrows, a wide grin on his face and turned his head towards John B.

"Hot damn." John B smirked, as he imagined their next adventure.


Hey guys hope y'all liked these first two chapters! Can't believe I've got 7 followers on the second day of opening this account! I appreciate all of the love and support :) This chapter was a more detailed version of the final scene in season 3 just to get you guys a feel of where I'm going with this and to kind of recap if you haven't watched the end multiple times and may have forgotten LIKE ELLIE MY BEST FRIEND lmao.

Anyways hehe this is where MY story begins and I'm going to start imputing what I think is going to happen in season 4 or what may have happened in the end of season 3 that the directors may not have shown us *wink wink*.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments it helps out a lot :)


OUTER BANKS SEASON 4 : JJ'S LEGACY Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant