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Sarah's breath hitched in her throat as she made eye contact with the murderous, psychopathic, narcissistic man that was her brother. Her eyes started to water with fear and this sudden, unfortunate surprise.

Sarah couldn't even get any words out to warn JJ or tell him to slow down the stairs or to remain calm. She almost couldn't breathe. Wait. She couldn't breathe. She tried to inhale but something in her chest restricted that ability.

JJ caught up with Sarah and as soon as he looked up from checking the cases weren't going to crash down the stairs, he also froze, however his freeze was more of rage rather than fear. He dropped the cases instinctively and pushed past the blonde girl on the bottom step.

Sarah tried to hold her hand out to the side of her to stop him, but her arms felt weak and petrified and she was too late.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Rafe repeated as he backed away, his hands out in front of him.

JJ grabbed a fistful of his shirt, creasing it violently as he shoved Rafe against the closest wall.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" JJ snarled, eyebrows knitted into a furious frown.

"What are you doing here?? This is my house!!" Rafe spat back, trying to squirm away from the stronger man in the room.

"JJ." Sarah placed a hand on her chest as she still struggled to get a strong, long breath in.

"I'm here with Sarah. This is her house too!" JJ replied, sharp and quick.

"Oh Sarah, my dear, dear sister. What a shame she turned out the way she did." Rafe responded with his curly, aggravating voice as if she wasn't in the room.

"Don't you dare talk about her." JJ shoved harder at his chest but Rafe didn't react, his face remained calm and unmoved.

"What a dreadful downfall of the family. The real black sheep. Such a disappointment." Rafe continued, JJ's hands almost on his throat now.

"Shut up." JJ spoke through clenched teeth.

"JJ stop." Sarah almost whispered.

"Imagine if dad could see you now, Sarah." Rafe had hit the weak spot.

The realisation hit her that Rafe in fact, did know about his father's unfortunate end. This was the bomb that she had been waiting to go off.

"He'd be so proud of the fact that you are lying, telling people his death was an ACCIDENT. That it was a CHOICE. That he SACRIFICED himself for YOU." Rafe yelled at her over JJ's shoulder.

Her hand fell from her chest as anger replaced the fear and anxiety that she felt in her heart.

"It's not a lie, Rafe! It's the truth. Every part of it." Sarah answered him, confident and frustrated.

"Oh really? You're telling me that dad really jumped off a cliff to save your life? Yeah. I've heard what people are saying. I've heard what you've been telling people. And it's BULLSHIT! ALL OF IT!!"

"IT'S NOT BULLSHIT!! Ward is dead. And he died because he took a bullet for Sarah. He ran at the frickin' guy with the gun and they both went off that cliff like a rock falling in the ocean. It's the truth, Rafe. You have to accept this. It's been a year and a half." JJ bluntly explained, Rafe still in his grasp.

"No. I don't- I.. I won't believe this. It was YOUR fault!!" Rafe pointed at JJ now with his long finger almost in his mouth.

"You have to stop blaming other people. It wasn't my fault, or Sarah's, or John B's." JJ calmly replied.

OUTER BANKS SEASON 4 : JJ'S LEGACY Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin