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Sunrays shone through the blinds and projected onto John B and Sarah's wall. The house was quiet. John B was snoring loudly, reclined in his dark leather chair and mouth open, arm fallen to the side. Sarah and JJ were asleep on the couch, the exact same position they fell asleep in. Sarah's hand was resting upon JJ's concussed head, directly on the bump.

Sarah's eyes fluttered open, her long eyelashes curled from the night before. She looked around with her bold blue eyes and gathered in her surroundings calmly. She became aware of a weight on her thighs like someone was resting on them. Confused, she looked down and saw the blonde boy turned away from her, sleeping peacefully. She smiled softly and went to scratch her eye.

As she raised her hand, her smile dropped faster then her heart. Wet. Blood.

She began breathing heavily as she realised the blood was from JJ's head.

"No, no, no, no." Sarah repeated to herself.

She sat up more and leaned over to see JJ's face.

"JJ? Jay?" Sarah asked, panicked.

She looked at her hand again and examined the bit of blood that was on her palm.

It wasn't a lot but it was enough to make her terrified.

"JOHN B, WAKE UP!" She screamed at him.

He startled awake and then took a swig of his beer that was on the floor, utterly oblivious.

"JJ!! Wake up!" Sarah shook him.

"Is everything okay?"

"NO. Everything is very much NOT OKAY!!" Sarah yelled, her voice rattling with fear.

"What's going on??" John B ran over.

"He's not waking up. And he's bleeding from his head." Sarah showed him her hand.

John B helped her get up and rest his head carefully back on the sofa bed.

They both shook him violently.

John B's head pounded from the night before, a result of the alcohol he'd consumed.

"JJ! Hey!! Man, wake up!" John B grabbed his shoulder and shook him.

"I'll call an ambulance!!" Sarah grabbed her phone and urgently dialed.

JJ began to stir and flicker his eyelids.

"Wait, wait, wait.. he- JJ?" John B asked, worriedly but trying to bring a calm tone to his voice as to not alert him.

Sarah paused before she hit the "ring" button.

"JJ?" Sarah approached him.

His eyes slowly fluttered open, eyelashes long.

His pupils were completely blown, leaving his eyes dark and reflective. As the two stared at him with concern and fear, John B could swear he could see himself back in his eyes.

"Hey. It's us." Sarah rubbed his arm.

He led on his back, kind of to the side, arm over his torso and head on the couch.

"His pupils are dilated." John B observed.

"Should I still call the hospital to get him looked at? I mean he's bleeding and shit." Sarah asked, politely, quieting her voice.

JJ's eyes were darting from John B to Sarah, Sarah to John B, up and down, scanning their entire existence as they stood before him.

"But he's awake now. So we can help him. He hates hospitals. He'll refuse to go." John B protested.

OUTER BANKS SEASON 4 : JJ'S LEGACY Where stories live. Discover now