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"Ricky. Ricky? You in there, bro?" JJ pounded at his cousins, clean, white door.

He hit it continuously and then wandered over to the window and cupped his hands against the surface to see inside. Ricky was sat on the couch with his feet on the footstool in some grey tracksuit trousers and a blue shirt. His curly, wild hair hung off the edge of the back of the sofa.

"Ricky!! Hey it's me. It's JJ. Open up!" He yelled, knocking on the glass.

Ricky whipped his head around and immediately rolled his eyes. He slowly got up as JJ walked back to the front door and waited outside. JJ heard the heavy door's lock shift and it opened slowly to reveal a tired, messy looking Ricky.

"Wassup man. How's it going?" Ricky quickly asked, voice exhausted.

"It's going.. umm it's going okay, man. How are you?" JJ quickly rushed in and began to snoop around the living room as if looking for something.

"Uhh.. I'm fine. I guess. Stephanie moved out last week like officially. And I've had to get a new job because of the fact that you got my ambulance busted and my license revoked." Ricky watched him, curious.

"Oh that sucks, man, I'm sorry." JJ itched his head as he spoke quickly and looked around the kitchen, opening cupboards and drawers, desperately.

"Uhh have you got any.." JJ began, turning back to his cousin who was stood at the counter near him.

"Are you even listening Jay?" Ricky raised his voice, interrupting JJ's words as he spoke.

"I.." JJ tried again, holding his head.

"You got my license taken away! You made me lose my job! Do you understand that? Your little schemes have effects on other people. I told you not to use my ambulance and you fricking stole it!" Ricky began to yell at him, clearly frustrated that his younger cousin didn't understand.

"Ricky.. I'm sorry, okay? I am." JJ tried to apologise, voice irritated and uncomfortable.

"No but I don't think you are. I was dating Stephanie for 5 years and she cheated on me! And left me! And then you ruined my work life, my income. I've had to go on 4 job interviews this week just trying to get by." Ricky lowered his voice but still remained serious.

"Did you know any of that?" Ricky questioned him, sad toned and disappointed.

"No..." JJ admitted.

"Yeah. Didn't think you did. We haven't talked in months and now you just show up here out of the blue wanting.. what? Weed?" Ricky verbally attacked him, voice critical and harsh.

JJ nodded slowly.

Ricky stormed out of the room for a moment and then came back with a small bag of green stuff.

"There. Take it. I don't care anymore. Just please get out. Out of my house and out of my life. I'm done with you coming to me when you need something and then taking it anyway, leaving a huge mess behind." Ricky threw the bag at his chest and it fell into his hands just below as he caught it.

JJ looked up surprised with tears in his eyes.

"You don't mean that, Ricky." JJ told him, startled.

"I mean every word. Get out." He spat back.

"I'll pay you back okay? I will." JJ replied, voice croaky and on the edge of cracking.

"No you won't. Leave. Please." Ricky replied, unbothered.

The blonde walked towards his dark, curly haired relative and tried to put a hand on his shoulder. Ricky pulled his shoulder away and looked at the ground.

OUTER BANKS SEASON 4 : JJ'S LEGACY Where stories live. Discover now