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JJ stirred, rolling over towards the edge of the couch, blanket screwed up unevenly around his torso. His head pounded once again at the alcohol he had consumed the night before. He felt like stars were spinning around his head like a cartoon character. Unaware of how close to the edge JJ was, he shimmied himself over a little and within seconds, he slid right off of the smooth leather and onto the hard, cold floor, taking the soft blanket with him.

"Ah shit, man." JJ groaned.

He coughs as he struggles himself to sit again on the sofa. He glances around, confused.

"John B?" The last thing he remembers last night is him sat next to John B on the couch and then it all went blank.

He calls out his name but hears no answer. The air seemed undisturbed and breathless. His head battered itself from the inside out again. The daylight beaming through the blinds that John B must've pulled down for him was incredibly intense and added to the vigorous hurt in his head.

He pulled himself up and stumbled to the kitchen where he poured himself a glass of water and chugged about 3 glasses of it until he needed to go to the bathroom. He had a shower, washed his hair and got dressed. After having another glass of water to try sober up and heal his headache, he grabbed the keys to his bike and zoomed on over to John B and Sarah's.

The dirt bike parked up on the driveway and JJ slowly hiked up the white steps outside their elegant, modern new house on figure 8. He knocked three times in a funky rhythm and Sarah quickly answered, opening the door a tiny amount to see who her visitor was, wary and anxious.

"Hey. You alright?" JJ groaned, voice croaky and inquisitive.

She opened the door wide at the sound of her friend's voice.

"Oh, JJ. Yeah I'm fine. How about you? John B told me you and your dad got wasted last night." She ushered him inside whilst glancing behind him quickly before shutting the door.

She turned to him with her arms crossed. JJ stood firm, gazing back at her.

"What? We didn't get that drunk." JJ exclaimed, defensive.

"John B told me you could barely even speak and your cheeks were all rosy." Sarah chuckled, proving his point wrong.

"John B said this, John B said that." JJ mocked her in an irritatingly accurate voice.

Sarah scrunched her nose up and finished making her fresh fruit salad, dressed in her workout top and cycling shorts. Her hair was tied up into a bun with some pieces at the front falling down perfectly.

"Where is John B anyway?" inquired JJ, his blonde freshly washed hair still drying.

He will admit that he still felt a little drunk even after his downing water frenzy.

"He's just getting dressed." Sarah pointed to the bedroom door whilst wandering over to the table with her phone and breakfast.

JJ grabbed a fork from the drawer and followed Sarah to the table. He pulled the chair out and sat besides her as she was sat at the head of the table. Sarah eyed him, frowning, when JJ pierced the fork into a large strawberry that was at the edge of the fruit display in her bowl.

"He came over when I was unpacking and then we sat down, had a few beers and listened to some music. That's all. We just talked." JJ explained, mouth full with fruit that he'd stole from Sarah's pre-workout breakfast.

"Hmm... well you better tell that to John B."


"He's not happy with you J." Sarah stated, plainly.

OUTER BANKS SEASON 4 : JJ'S LEGACY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora