The Beginning

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I feel the exhaustion of my mind looming over me, as I continue to barely read the large textbook in front of me.
My eyelids grow heavy and I can feel my brain begin to buzz as the urge to sleep crushes my judgement. Standing up from my chair in the library, I shake the asleep, curly haired girl next to me.

"Hermione, we should go," I say sleepily, "It's very late 'Mione, you should get up."

"Not yet.." She whines, "..just a few more hours.."

"Nope, that's not happening." I state, picking her up and half dragging/walking her back to our shared dorm as if she was drunk.

"Dang, you really are out cold, aren't you 'Mione?" I joked to the semi conscious girl I'm carrying.

We had been studying for the O.W.L.S. that were coming up in a few months, both wanting to be as prepared as possible. We turn the corner of one the corridors to hear whispering and giggles up ahead. I rolled my eyes, already certain it's some random couple getting up to no good passed curfew.
I hear the whispers grow louder with each step, while being careful to make sure Hermione is secure, as to not drop her on her head and ruin her O.W.L.S. I then see a door of a classroom slightly ajar, with bits of light poking out of the frame's imperfections. The whispers grew quiet as I grew nearer, I decided to set Hermione down against the wall and crept closer to the classroom. Grabbing the door, I pulled it open slowly, to remain hidden to the perpetrators breaking several rules in that moment.
When I peaked inside, I spot two students making out viciously, candles lit all around them for romantic effect. I roll my eyes, ready to give myself away and give the two of them detention.

"I am a Prefect, after all." I relayed in my mind.

"HEY, you two lovebirds!" I shout into the classroom.

This gets both of their attention, they look up at me and fear crawls onto their faces. I recognize them both immediately, both belonging to my year, and two of the people I dislike the most out of everyone here. Draco Malfoy and Pugface Parkinson, 6th year Slytherins.

"Late night snogging session we've got here, have we?" I tease, "Could've at least found a private room, couldn't you have?"

"Well it was, until you so rudely interrupted!" Pansy pouted. She then turned to face Malfoy and stroked her fingers delicately across his chest.

"Draco, we should leave, and continue this elsewhere-"

Draco sat, stone faced and unmoving. His eyes were on me, and they hadn't moved since I had announced my presence.

He began to look stare daggers into me.

"I don't think we should continue, Pansy." He stated, a bit harshly spitting her name out like it was a rotten piece of food.

She rolled her eyes and sighed.

Pugface then stood up and walked toward and out the door that I was leaning on.

"Not so fast, Parkinson." I snap, "I'm giving the both of you detention, for being out after curfew hours and misuse of school resources."

"Oh I don't know about that." Malfoy spits again, "You think you have all this Prefect power and privilege, but you're wrong. You have nothing on me, Abbott." He sneered.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Malfoy," I reply with a coy smile. "I earned my Prefect position, as for you, you're running around hooking up at ungodly hours of the night."

"I'm the one with the leverage this time, sweetheart." I continue, seeing his confidence fade and it leaves him with a dumbfounded look.

He suddenly grows angrier, hearing my patronizing tone, and calling him sweetheart of all things. This has gotten too good.

"Listen, Abbott," he mutters angrily, "You have no proof. Even if you somehow convinced a professor with how much of a suck-up you are, you would not walk away innocent."

"Keep telling yourself that, " I whip back, "Save your imagination, you'll need to entertain yourself somehow in detention."

With that final word, Malfoy grabs Parkinson by the wrist angrily and drags her away with him. Pugface stares back at me until they turn the corner.

Heading back to the Slytherin common room, I assume.

I shrug, watching Malfoy pout was worth the trouble. I decide to get Hermione and myself back to our own common room after this interesting interaction with my two least favorite people.

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