The Detention

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My back hasn't hurt this bad in ages, even more so than after the time I had fallen off of my broom during a stormy Quidditch game last year.

Sweeping up the spilt sunflower seeds of a hungry first year was laborious and painful. Malfoy seemed to be amused by my pained groans and scoffs whenever I bent over to sweep more.

Parkinson had gotten sick earlier in the morning, so it unfortunately meant I was left alone with the prick that ratted me out for such a nonsensical thing.

Malfoy had stopped sweeping a few minutes ago, he took up a chair and kicked his feet up onto a desk. He looked so incredibly smug.. and I wanted to punch him.

"You could at least help," I stated, pained by my constant bending over, "Or have you never worked hard a day in your life?"

"You wish, Abbott." He whipped back, "I usually prefer to supervise.. quality control if you will."

His lack of effort, even in his unclever quips, made me roll my eyes. The feeling of a broom for actual sweeping purposes felt foreign to me. Riding a broom at breakneck speeds seemed more comfortable and exhilarating than a cleaning utensil. My mind began to wonder, until Malfoy began to whistle a senseless tune. I felt annoyed yet again, and decided to give him a piece of my mind.

"You'll get supervision alright," I muttered, "When I report your lack of effort."

"Aw, what's wrong.. can't seem to keep your eyes off me?" He teased, a little too out of character for him.

I felt my face heat up in anger. Malfoy was the biggest joke I've ever laid eyes on. Can hardly even ride a broom, let alone use one to clean. He just kicks back to relax and makes anyone he deems inferior do his dirty work for him.

And I'm sick of it.

"If you don't get your donkey buttocks up, I'll get McGonagall to give you detention tomorrow too."

"Tsk," He sounded, "Like I've said before, You've got nothing on me, Abbott."

I felt a snapping inside my chest. I shouldn't give him the reaction he's baiting for, yet I can hardly contain my hatred of this idiot in front of me. Enraged, I may have just thrown a broom at him, but my rage clouded my judgement and memory.

He seems to be struggling a bit by the desks.. so I must have done so.

Score: (Y/N) Abbott: 1   Draco Malfoy: 0.

"What do you think you're bloody doing?" He shouts at me.

"Getting his Royal Laziness up off of his throne." I reply cooly.

I see him roll his eyes and grunt at me. Watching him pout is more fun than you'd think. First, he acts all mad. Second, he begins to get sluggishly lazy, as if to protest. Then third, he complains and gets mad again. It's a vicious cycle, really.

I find myself watching him go through his stages of pouting, only to realize that is also categorized as staring. I avert my eyes and turn them to the remaining mess of seeds on the floor, that Malfoy and I have about an hours worth of time to clean up.

After about an hour and a half of silent cleaning later, Malfoy and I were released to go to bed, well after the sun had set.

The last stretch of cleaning we had done was strangely calming. Neither Malfoy or I argued, let alone even spoke. He seemed deep in thought.

I walk briskly, trying to get as far away from the night I had just had. My eagerness to go to bed was unusual, but I decided to embrace it tonight. All of a sudden, there was a brush against my shoulder, to which I turn around and face Malfoy, who was very close in proximity, a mere few inches away.

"Listen.." Malfoy mutters, out of nowhere, "I may have acted a bit.. rashly."

"Hm?" I grunt confusedly, taken aback by his sudden closeness and.. change of heart?

"I wasted your time, that's all, but now we're even." He spits out, "Goodnight, Abbott."

I was frozen in place. Incapable of moving from where my feet were planted.

"Did Malfoy just.. apologize?" My mind asks itself.

In his own twisted way, Malfoy courteously.. apologized.

I think about that singular moment whilst getting ready for bed in my dormitory. My mind wandered here and there, telling myself to stay away from the boy who had gotten me into trouble. I hardly slept, still very confused about what happened and why it happened, it was very out of character for him. My urge to sleep now escapes my grasp.

"I've got to hand it to you, Malfoy.." I mouth to myself, "You've really stumped me."

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