The Breakfast

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I awoke to feeling a strange sensation on my nose. It moved side to side.. and it was tickling my nose. I opened my eyes, even though they protested against the bright sunlight seeping through my drab, red curtains. Hermione was standing above me, holding the wrong side of a quill, using the feathery end to tickle me awake.

"Always a new way to wake me up now, 'eh 'Mione?" I thought while giggling at her.

"Wake up, sleepy!" She ordered in her silliest voice, "you'll miss Tuesday's breakfast, the best day of them all."

"Yikers, you're right!" I reply with the same silly energy, "those bagels won't butter themselves."

Hermione and I made our way down to breakfast in the Great Hall, fashionably late, of course. Harry and Ron met our eyes as we walked over to sit with them.

Harry grinned at me as I sat myself next to him and Hermione just received an odd stare from Ron. Harry accidentally dropped his fork while trying scoot over to make more room for me on the elongated bench. Hermione giggled, we all knew Harry had a bit of a thing for me, I didn't reciprocate though. He was not good at hiding his feelings, and often pulled crazy stunts to try to impress me enough to go out with him. Every time they'd go horribly wrong; however, and I'd have to take him to the hospital wing.

"It's bagel day, (Y/N)!" Harry exclaimed, a little too cheerfully, "Your favorite, so I saved you a few extra from the basket."

"Oh.. that's very thoughtful of you Harry.. you don't have to do that." I say, a bit flustered by the commotion he caused.

"Harry, she doesn't need you to cater her everyday breakfast," Hermione lightly scolded, "She's completely capable of getting her own bagels."

I personally found that statement quite funny.. so I laughed obnoxiously. I even threw in a snort or two. This drew everyone's attention away from odd Harry's bagel offering to my obnoxious sense of humor. Harry began to laugh with me, grateful for the help. Ron and Hermione just continued to eat their food and give small giggles and chuckles here and there. When my laughter slowed, I took my bagels and buttered them generously. I sat and ate peacefully, engaging in conversation with my friends, especially when Ginny sat down on the other side of Hermione.

I all of a sudden, in the middle of our conversation, felt an intentionally harsh tap along my shoulder. I turned around to meet no one's eyes. I began scanning the room to find the suspicious party responsible, yet there was no one around the table, so I returned to my conversation.

As I stood up, ready to leave breakfast with a belly full of bagels, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to meet Neville's face, mere inches away from mine. Taken aback, I stumble a bit, but catch myself on his shoulders.

"Sorry, Abbott!" Neville apologizes, "There was this.. stuck to your shoulder."

I look down into his hand, which held a small piece of parchment folded up. I took the parchment and pocketed it.

"I've been looking for that, thank you, Neville." I nervously creep my way out of the Great Hall.

I took the parchment out of my pocket, and unfolded it to read,

"Ms. Abbott, you have been assigned disciplinary activity in after lesson detention, due to the negligence of school rules. Report to Professor McGonagall's office after your last class of the day."

My face instantly heats up with rage, embarrassment, and.. confusion?

"How did I get detention?"

"I reported Malfoy and Pugface to Filch after I had caught them in the classroom," I furiously scrambled my brain for an answer.

"As a Prefect, I had permission to be in the library at that time.. I don't understand!"

I strolled over to Professor McGonagall's office after my last lesson, and tried to act as nonchalantly as I could. My brain had been searching for an answer all day, even going as far to retrace my steps from the previous day. Nothing made sense. I entered the office and met eyes with one of the two that was already inside.. Malfoy.

I rolled my eyes when I saw him scowl and hurried to fix my hair before McGonagall turned to meet my face.

"Ah, welcome dear," McGonagall began, hearing me enter, "You're right on time, very punctual."

"Of course, Professor," I reply, staring daggers into Malfoy, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Even though, I'm also disappointed in you, Ms. Abbott." She poured tea into cups for the three of us.

"That's something I wanted to ask you about, Professor.. which rules might I have broken, exactly..?"

"I heard from Mr. Malfoy here, that you had an unidentified unconscious student with you when you.. ahem.. found him." She handed us each a cup, trying to remain in a modest tone about the situation that occurred.

"And you can't carry students around unconscious, especially one who didn't have permission to be out after hours, Ms. Abbott. I only have record of your request, but since we didn't know who you had accompanying you last night, Filch thought it'd be a good lesson for you."

A bit speechless, I turn to look at Malfoy, giving him a death stare. He gives me a subtle smirk, mocking me.. patronizing me.

"The two of you will be cleaning my classroom together, one of the first years earlier had spilled seeds, of all things, all over the floor. Since detention was assigned earlier in the day, I figured you two would do a fine job cleaning by hand." She stated, sitting down at her desk to do some of her other work.

She looked up at the two of us, dismissing us with her expression. Malfoy and I walked slowly out into the corridor, where he hooked my arm into his and spun me around to face him. I was a bit stunned, not expecting him to do such a thing.

He put a finger to my lip to stop me from protesting.

"Now, now.." He began with a smirk, "I think I'm the one with the leverage this time, sweetheart."

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