The Library

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I shuffle my way from dinner in the Great Hall to the library.

I asked both Hermione and Blaise to help me study and prepare for the upcoming O.W.L.S. They're two of the most capable and intelligent people I know, and we could all benefit from each other's help.

Now I just have to introduce the two of them.

I arrive right on time to the library, alongside Hermione. The both of us striving for punctuality.

We find an empty table near the farther end of the library and await Blaise's arrival. Hermione is already nose-deep into her latest read, An Origin of Magical Creatures.

I look at my stack of books, looming over me as if they had a judgemental gaze, predicting my failure.

"Hey, sorry I'm late."

Blaise seats himself beside me, creating a barrier between him and Hermione, in case she disapproved of his studying with us.

"No problem at all." I began, clearing my throat to get Hermione's attention. "Hermione, this is Blaise Zabini. I invited him to study with us."

"That's quite alright." She replies, not looking up from her book. "Carry on."

I look over to Blaise, watching him stifle back a chuckle at Hermione's unbroken focus on her book. I grinned, and pick up my herbology textbook, handing it to Blaise.

"Help me study my fungi, Blaise."

"You've got it, Abbott."

Blaise and I studied for hours at our cramped little table. Hermione then joined in after finishing several chapters of her book. The two of them seemed to get along well.

Hermione left first, to get to bed early since she needed to help Professor Sprout set up for an early morning class.

Blaise then left, since it had been getting late. Also saying he'd promised his roommate a game of wizard's chess.

This left me all alone at the cramped little table in the far left corner of the library. I didn't mind, or worry. I had received special permission to be out after curfew hours. As long as I didn't have any more unauthorized students with me at that time.

My mind began to get foggy around 1 AM.

Soon enough, I blinked and my mind transported me back to my first year at Hogwarts, boarding the little boats that took us to the castle as we awaited our sorting.

Hagrid rounded us up into a corridor and wandered off, when suddenly, a tall man cloaked in all black grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the Great Hall.

I struggle against his grasp, but it is too tight and my 11 year old body was unable to stop him. He drags me inside the Great Hall and seats me on the sorting stool.

He grabs the Sorting Hat and puts it on my head. The hat, then awakened, began pondering my house placement.

After several minutes of utter silence and everyone in the hall's eyes on me, the hat finally speaks.

"You're a failure."

I feel a hand grasp my shoulder and began to shake it gently.

I open my eyes and my view is a sideways Hogwarts library. I then realized my head was lying on the table.

And that I had fallen asleep and had a nightmare.

I look up to find the person that had awoken me from my bad dream. I find a face, and I lock eyes with-


I jumped in my seat, surprise suddenly escaped my body. I turned to face him, sitting completely backwards in my chair. He was leaning against the bookshelf behind my table, arms crossed and looking at me with a neutral expression.

"Seems you had quite the dream there.. wouldn't you say Abbott?" He says, even with a hint of surprise. "I used to think I was the only one who got nightmares that badly."

"You weren't as special as you thought?" I quipped back, a bit irritated by him waking me, but also thankful.

"Listen, Abbott." He says, suddenly more serious than he had been. "Our dreams and our lives are not the same."

Suddenly a bit hurt, I frown and ask a question that catches him off guard.

"What are your dreams about?"

Taken aback, Malfoy clears his throat and straightens up his stance, as if to appear not surprised.

"My family."

I gave him a concerned look, feeling a bit sorry for him. He catches my expression and his face softens.

"What did you dream about?" He asks cautiously, drawing away from the subject of his dreams.

"It's a long story, but overall it reminded me that I am a failure."

Malfoy looked confused, then seemed as if a realization came to him. He affixed his gaze to another bookshelf to his left, avoiding my eyes.

"I don't think you're a failure."

I snap my attention directly to his avoidant gaze, and I smile gently.

"Thanks, Malfoy."

He glances toward me, and catches my happier expression and half smiles, affixing his gaze towards the bookshelf again.


I rest my head on my arms on the back of my chair and look up at him.

"Draco." I say again, accepting his offer of calling him by his first name.

My eyelids flutter again, but only before I catch an image of Draco not only looking at me, but giving a full, gentle smile.

I'm then fast asleep.

Who Knew?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz