The Window (Draco's Point of View)

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I smooth my hand over the sturdy wooden table accompanying the lonely window, dripping with rain.

"There must be a storm coming." My thoughts swirl like the rain clouds outside. I look over to meet (Y/N)'s eyes, she looks confused. I don't blame her.

I clear my throat, "Abbott, about yesterday.. I was being foolish- In over my head." I focus on my hands gripping the edge of the table to avoid her stare.

She gives me a narrowed glance, "You've always been a fool, Draco. It's funny how you've only now realized." This catches me by surprise. I look up at her and crack a smile which she happily returns. Her features glow like lanterns.

"Wow, she's beautiful."

"You're such a prat." I joke back putting my hand overtop of hers, looking back into her eyes, "And please don't ever change that." Her expression shifts and she smiles at me again, this time genuinely. She laces her fingers in between mine.

I feel my cheeks heat up.

"She's amazing."

We sit in an oddly comfortable silence, fingers interlaced. I think back to when I had kissed her. Her face and overalls were smudged with dirt and grime, but she was as radiant as ever. Her kiss was gentle, but I could sense a hint of restrained desire behind it.

"Such a pity she didn't let it out."

"Draco?" A voice beckons from behind a bookshelf. I tear my hand out of Abbott's regrettably and reach to fix my tie which began to feel tight.

Pansy comes out from behind the shelf and dramatically splays her arms out on the table.

"Huffier than usual, Parkinson?"

Her sudden appearance deeply bothers me. She had ruined a nice moment. "What is it you want, Parkinson?" I grunt. She glances over to (Y/N) and rolls her eyes, like the self righteous prick she's always been.

She then looks back at me and narrows her eyes, "Why is she here with you? Didn't she put you in detention?"

I clear my throat loudly, "We were discussing Professor Snape's written reports on our last brews. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Why did I say that?"

Pansy seems satisfied with my response and takes it as her cue to cuddle up next to me. I feel her forcefully shove her arm through mine and stare (Y/N) down. (Y/N) then exits swiftly without saying a word.

"What do you want Pansy?" I spit. She gives me a smug grin, as if to say she'd been wanting to ruin something today.

"Just you alll to myself," she stretches out her words playfully batting her eyes. I unhook my arms from hers and get up from the table. Her expression instantly shifts from confusion to rage. I walk out of the library.

"PRICK!" I hear her shout out at me. That made me smile.

I turn down the staircase leading to the portrait of the Fat Lady, the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. I need to apologize to (Y/N). I see a girl with curly, dirty blonde hair.


She whips her head around to see who had been making all that noise clomping down the staircase. She narrows her eyes at me spitefully.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Hermione begrudgingly asks. I keep my cool as to not seem intimidated by the raging bookworm, but she is quite frightening when she's angry.

"Have you seen (Y-, er Abbott?" I stumble through my words a bit.

"This is embarrassing."

Hermione raises an eyebrow, "Why do you want to know where (Y/N) is?"

"Not good."

"She.. left her quill in the library!" I exclaim rather too loudly. Coming up with an excuse to find the girl you're after is, well.. hard.

"She has plenty of quills. I suggest you leave her be, she's rather upset." I worry at Hermione's words.

"I hurt her."

I turn and quickly walk back to the Slytherin dormitories. I feel terrible.


I sit myself down atop my covers, and while a tear rolls down my cheek, a crack of thunder rings outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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