The Willow

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I sit on my bed and watch Hermione fold her clothes, my mind abuzz.

"Why is he being like this?" My thoughts tangled amongst themselves. "Why?"

"You're looking a bit pale, (Y/N)." Hermione slows the folding of her shirt. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing much.." I begin to trail off.

"We both know that's not true. You've been acting strange for the past few days."

I give her a quizzical look, forcing her to explain what she meant by her statement. She sighs.

"Honestly, there's something going on. I can tell. You're as easy to read as any book I own. And I know it's not exam stress."

I sigh and give in. She's right. I can't hide anything from her.

"Well, there's this.. boy."

Hermione gasps. Then she lowers her voice down to a whisper.

"Is it Harry?"

I almost laughed.

"No! Don't be silly, he's one of my best friends."

"Then.." she begins. "Who?"

"I don't think I'm ready to share that information yet." I state confidently. "Besides, I don't like him, he just boggles me, thas' all."

"Hm." She contemplates deeply, but then accepts defeat. "Alright, tell me about him, what boggles you?"

"He acts so strangely around me now." I sigh. "Something had to have changed. He's been acting as if he cares about me now. Helping me when I was vulnerable, showing visible signs of care, and just acting odd."

"Hm." She contemplates aloud again. "Sounds like he may like you."

I feel a tinge of heat to my cheeks.

"I doubt it. I've heard things about him being with someone else. And it looks like they might be true."

"Oh, (Y/N)." Hermione seats herself next to me and gives me a side hug. I lean my head in her shoulder.

"Can you promise me something, Hermione?"

She chokes back her words for a second, then she breathily replies.

"Yes, anything."

"Don't tell anyone about this. Please."


"Thank you."


I woke up early the next morning to study for as long as I could for the upcoming exams. After all, it was a Saturday.

I sat myself in the common room, on a plush crimson chair and tore into my notes to jog my memory of each subject.

For hours, I quizzed myself over charms I needed to know, potion recipes and effects, herbology terms and identification, and astrological arrangements.

I looked over at the clock. 4 hours in.

Then 5 hours.

7 hours.

Tick tock.

Everyone else had gone to bed hours ago, yet here I was, reviewing my extensive notes.

Tick tock.

Everyone else had gone down to breakfast, yet here I was still studying.

Tick tock.

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