The Wink

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The smell of a candle burning overwhelms my senses. Apple, maybe.

I flutter my eyes open to see an unfamiliar room. A room of dark wooden furniture, polished thoroughly. A neat, small room filled with books and magical artifacts alike. Green and silver accents trim most of the furniture and walls, adding to the dark atmosphere.

I feel the softness of a rug beneath me. I had slept on the floor in this unfamiliar room.

My brain finally clicks, a fear of realization rushes over me.

This isn't my dorm.

In fact, this is a Slytherin's dormitory.

I get on my feet quickly and do a double take of the room surrounding me. I see pictures of trees and marshy ponds in silver frames scattered across the wooden furniture. The apple candle had fizzled out, but it's scent lingered in the confines of my panic.

I turn to the door, now noticing the piece of parchment dangling from the center of it. A weak sticky charm had been used as to not permanently attach it. I retrieve the parchment and scan through it, searching for answers to my strange new whereabouts.

Good morning, Abbott.

I hope you slept well. Please accept my apology for having you sleep on the rug. I couldn't possibly move you onto the bed. I struggled enough to carry you here already. I couldn't quite return you to your dormitory either, seeing as it is locked with a password I am unaware of and you were out like a lightbulb. I hope we can keep this just between the two of us, as it would look bad if anyone began to talk.


The shock and confusion that rattled my body in that very moment were immeasurable. I can't believe Draco would've moved me all the way from the library to his dorm.

I've never felt more embarrassed and self conscious about me being asleep.

Did I snore? Did I sleep talk? I couldn't begin to fathom.

Hurriedly, I left Draco's dorm and snuck my way out of the Slytherin common room as sleuthily as I possibly could be.

I found my way to the Great Hall, and seated myself next to Hermione, who gave me an accusatory look. I reached for the orange juice pitcher and poured myself a drink. I almost spat out my juice when Hermione asked me a question.

"Where were you last night, (Y/N)?"

Coughing, to clear my throat, I responded hoarsely, "The library- fell asleep- forgot to come back-"

This got the attention of both Ron and Harry, who were seated across from the two of us. A suspicious look crossed Harry's face in an instant, but in another instant, it was gone. He then grinned.

"Would you like to join me and Ron this afternoon in Hogsmeade, (Y/N)?"

Hermione gave Harry a stern look and responded for me.

"We planned to study today. O.W.L.S. are coming soon, Harry."

"But it's a Saturday! Lighten up on the studying, Hermione." Ron interjected.

"Please!" Harry begged. "It'd be a lot of fun."

I sighed. "One afternoon, 'Mione?" I asked tiredly, turning to her and her beet red face.

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