The Lake

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I take the last bite of my marmalade covered toast and head to my first lesson for today, potions.

I walk in and seat myself next to my normal partner, Harry. Harry and I have worked on potions together since first year. And we've never messed one up yet, not with me on our team.

Though, Snape seemed to have different pairings in mind for our upcoming project.

"Everyone up." Snape sneered in our direction. "You'll be receiving different pairings for our upcoming project."

Snape went around the room snapping for students to get up and stand until he called them to sit in their new seat. There were only a few of us left standing when he called my name.

"Abbott. Weasley. Right here." He snapped again.

Ron and I make eye contact and grin a little as we seat ourselves at the new brewing table. We got lucky with our pairing, being friends and all. Hermione and Harry were unfortunate in their new pairings, Hermione getting Seamus Finnigan and Harry getting Lavender Brown.

"Harry sure isn't the a lucky bloke today." Ron whispered to me, chuckling.

"Agreed. He looks absolutely gutted." I reply, giggling madly.

"Now that we all have our pairings," Snape began loudly, "We can begin our truth serums."

"This'll take ages." I complain to Ron in a whisper. "I already have lots of studying to do for the O.W.L.S."


Uh oh.

Snape heard me.

"It'd be wise to pay attention, wouldn't it?" Snape asked, punctually.

"Uhm, y-yes, Professor." I stutter, feeling guilty for interrupting.

"That's what I thought." Snape sneered, turning back towards his lesson demonstration.

"You didn't do anything wrong, (Y/N)." Ron whispered. "He's just a git. A bloody rude one at that."

"Thanks Ron."


Later for homework, Ron and I set up our cauldron to brew in the abandoned girl's bathroom. Home of Moaning Myrtle.

I was sprinkling some red herbs into the mixture when Ron began to speak.

"Hey, (Y/N), could I ask you about something?"


"What do you reckon Hermione thinks of me?"

I almost dropped the whole lot of herbs. Does.. Ron like Hermione?

"She thinks you're wonderful. A stupid blabbering idiot at times, but she likes that about you."

And it's the truth. She told me herself.

"Do.. do you think she'd ever want to, y'know-" he takes a deep breath, "have an outing with me?"

My expression melts into a heartfelt smile. "Oh Ron, she'd love to. I just know it."

His face grows increasingly red, "Alright then. I'll ask her later about it." He then scratches the back of his head in a bashful manner."Where'd you figure she'd like to go?"

"Anywhere you'd take her. Trust me Ron, she'd be happy just to spend time with you."

He nods and blushes even more.

"It's settled then," he states, "I'll ask her to come out with me tonight."


The next morning, my first lesson was Herbology. This class was shared between the sixth year Gryffindors and Slytherins.

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