operation omidroid

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They are inside a futuristic plane. Mirage is briefing Bob's mission.

"Here I am"

But just then the doors open and he was shocked to see the bad guys.

The bad guys were in shocked to see Mr. Incredible too.

"Bad guys?"

"Mr. Incredible?" The bad guys all said at once.

"What are you guys doing here?" Mr incredible asked.

The bad guys sit down next to him, "we're on FBI business, we were asked to shut down some droid"

"That's funny, that's what I'm here for"

"What's going on?" Wolf asked mirage.

"Well we need both need you for this"

"Why do you need us both, when you mr incredible could just break down the machine" wolf asked.

"Because we seen what you and your friends can do mr. Wolf, you are a team of brains, brawns, master of disguise and safe crackers, we even see what you can do out there in the field as an FBI agent, point is you have the knowledge to take down a robot and with Mr. Incredible's muscles, look I'm not asking you all to get along since you have a history together but I need you to work together The Omnidroid 9000 is a top secret prototype battle robot. lts artificial intelligence enables it to solve any problem it's confronted with. And, unfortunately..."

"Let me guess. It got smart enough to wonder why it had to take orders"

"We lost control. And now it's loose in the jungle, threatening our facility"

"Well that figures" webs says.

"We've had to evacuate all personnel from the island for their own safety"

"How am I-we going in?"

"The Omnidroid's defenses necessitate an air drop from 5000 feet. lts cloaking devices make it difficult to track. Although we're pretty sure it's on the southern half of the island. One more thing. Obviously it represents a significant investment"

Mr. Incredible and the bad guys look at each other.

"So You want me to shut it down without completely destroying it, is that correct?" Wolf asked.

"Yes, that is correct"

"We'll do it"

"You are Mr. Incredible"

Bob is on an advanced seat, he pass his belt on, and the seat shifts into a bed, as it is about to enter a shuttle. However, his belly didn't let him in 6 times. The Soldier then increases the seat power and it successfully gets Mr. Incredible in the shuttle.

The bad guys wear some special swat gear to protect themselves and get in a different shuttle.

"I've got to warn you, it's a learning robot. Every moment you spend fighting it only increases its knowledge of how to beat you"

"Shut it down. Do it quickly. Don't destroy it"

"And don't die"

"Great. Thanks"

The shuttle ejects. It rockets down the island. After stopping, it propels with two blades. After a while, it lands. Mr. Incredible tries to get out, but his belly won't let him out. He goes back in, and punches the shuttle in half. Immediatley, but the bad guys get out easily, Bob starts to stretch out, cracking several joints as he twists his torso and breathing exhaustingly after only bending, and the suit fits less somehat to his larger stomach, bouncing like a balloon filled with water. He flexes and gets ready.

THE BAD GUYS IN: the incrediblesWhere stories live. Discover now