Plane crashed

330 9 0

Helen comes out in her supersuit and throws her bag on one of the seats.


"Did you say something" Diane asked.


"It's not my fault! Dash ran away, and I knew I'd get blamed for it--"

"That's not true!"


"...and I thought he'd try to sneak on the plane so I came here and you closed the doors before I could find him and then you took off and [to Dash] it's not my fault!"

"You said, "Something's up with Mom. We have to find out what!" It was your idea! Your idea! Hundred percent all-yours, all-the-time idea!"

"W-wait a minute, wait a minute" Diane Jets up as she gets worried.

"Is princess here?" She looks around.

"No, she's with jack jack at professor marmalade's"

Diane's on the phone with professor marmalade.

"Don't worry Diane  princess and the baby safe here with me, everything is fine"

"Ok good, as long as princess is ok, that's all that matters"

He looks in the living room where princess is coloring but as she is, jack jack was on the sofa, he was playing with an orange then when he dropped it, princess picks it up for him.

"I do apologize mrs. Parr, I had no idea where the children went, they wanted to play hide and seek"

"Oh It's ok professor"

"Well You don't have to worry about one single thing, Mrs. Parr. I Can Watch your baby for you"

"I really don't feel comfortable with this. Uh, I'll pay you for your trouble"

"Oh it's no trouble mrs. Parr, I'm a great babysitter"

"He's too Ken care of princess while the bad guys were serving time" Diane assured her as she touched her arm.

"No need to worry mrs. Parr, I can totally handle both kids"

But Diane looks up in a panicked, "uh Helene"

Helen looks on the plane radar and sees several missiles headed towards the plane.

"I'm sorry professor marmalade, but we really need to go"

"India Golf Niner-Niner transmitting in the blind guard. Disengage! Repeat, disengage!"

Helen turns on the seatbelt light, Diane immediately buckled up and Violet and Dash try to buckle in.

Helen presses a button and turns away from the missiles. Dash and Violet didn't buckle in on time, causing them to fly around the cabin. Helen continues dodging missiles.

"Disengage! Repeat, disengage! Friendlies..."

Mr. Incredible was worried begged Syndrome.


"Too late!" he shrugs, "...Fifteen years too late."As he walks evilly towards him.

" off the missiles...NOW!" Wolf growled but Thomas just walks up to him with a more evil grin.

"Aw...I'm afraid I can't do that"

"Friendlies at two-zero miles south-southwest of your position. Angels 10. Track east. Disengage! Over! Vi! You have to put a force field around the plane!"

"But you said we weren't supposed to use our powers!!"

"I KNOW WHAT I SAID! Listen to what I'm saying NOW! Disengage. Repeat, DIS-EN-GAGE!"

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