Its a trap

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It's morning within the jungle of Nomanisan, and Dash is sleeping right on top of Violet while Diane was resting near a tree.

Dash wakes up, realising what he's doing, and instantly jumps up from being grossed out.

Dash looks around in awe at the beautiful jungles surrounding him, but is interrupted by what seems to be a blue macaw behind him.

"Identification, please"


Dash proceeds to try waking Violet up then Diane to get their attention on the macaw.

"Hey, Violet! Come here, look"


"Governor" he shook Diane.

"Huh? What is it?"

"It talks!"


"What talks?" Diane asked when she sees the blue macaw

"There, that one"

"What is that?" Violet asked.

"Voice key incorrect"Diane stare at the bird and as she gets a bad feeling, she gets in front of the kids keeping them back.

"Voice key?"

"Voice key incorrect"

"Stay back kids" Diane says.

"Wait a second..."

The macaw's mouth quickly opens to reveal a tiny speaker as it's eyes glow red, with it proceeding to start producing loud alarm sounds.

"Wha-What do we do?!" Dashed asked as they covered their ears.


"Come on kids" Diane grabs their hands and they ran with her

"Where are we going?"

"Away from here!"

"Just keep running" Diane tells them

But the P.A. Alerted the security, "Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert"

Mirage releases Mr. Incredible. She slowly walks to him and the bad guys were shocked.

"What are you doing" wolf asked when she released them as well.

"There isn't much time"

Mr. Incredible suddenly grabs her by her neck and strangles her, lifting her up.

" No, there isn't. In fact, there's no time at all"

The bad guys were shocked by his rage, "whoa mr. Incredible what are you doing" wolf asked when he and the others try to pull mirage away from him then he pushes them to the ground.


"MR INCREDIBLE, DON'T!" Wolf begged him.


"Why are you here. How can you...possibly bring me lower? What more can you take away from me?"

"mr incredible just listen" wolf says.


"That doesn't mean you should stoop that low too, trust me...I know"

"...The... family..... survived... th..... crash...! They're here......on the island........!"

Mr incredible and the bad guys were surprised.

"They did?" Wolf asked.

"They're alive?" Mr incredible says.

Mr. Incredible drops her, as she is coughing. He then picks her up, and hugs her, much to the two's comfort.

THE BAD GUYS IN: the incrediblesWhere stories live. Discover now