Operation: kronos

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Meanwhile with the bad guys, wolf gets clutched tighter by the claw.

"Ahh" he felt the claws her digging inside his chest.

Then the arm brings wolf closer to Thomas as he laughed and walk towards wolf.

"Long time no see, wolf"

But syndrome wasn't done with Mr

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But syndrome wasn't done with Mr. Incredible after the Omnidroid drops the bad guys.

"See? Now you respect me, because I'm a threat. That's the way it works!"

"How do you know Thomas" wolf asked.

"Turns out there's a lot of people, whole countries who want respect. And they will pay through the nose to get it, isn't that right mr. Chesterfield"

"That's right syndrome"

"Yep, you see I been going through criminal records"

(Flashback syndrome was on the computer looking at famous criminals documents)

"You know recruiting some criminals who would help me"

"I gone through the criminal records of certian criminal master minds, one with smarts of building robots and powerful weapons when I stumbled on something interesting"

He looks interested when he sees the news report of Thomas and the bad guys going in jail.

"I read how Thomas was smart to build a mine control device to control certain animals to commit crimes for him, so I made a deal with him"

Syndrome was seen meeting Thomas in prison, talking about getting revenge, Thomas slowly formed a sinister smile on his face as he nodded.

"So I got him out"

"The deal was he would lure you six into a trap while I work on his droid, would it kill you to take it easy"  Thomas says

"And once i get rid of you five, I will finally reunite with my daughter"

"Daughter?" Mr. Incredible was shocked.

Wolf feels threatening and gets up, grabbing Thomas by his shirt.

"Hey, if you lay one claw on her her fur and you're gonna regret it"

mr. Incredible was surprised by how wolf was willing to protect princess.

"How do you think I got rich? Thanks to Thomas whom help invented weapons. And now I have a weapon only I can defeat. And when I unleash it, I'll get--"

Mr. Incredible throws a log at Syndrome, but Thomas dodges it hastily.

"Look out"

He gets back up and freezes Mr. Incredible with something and before the bad guys could attack Thomas, he does the same to them.

"You sly dog! You got me monologuing! I can't believe it"

"That's the same thing that happened to me with the bad guys" Thomas laughed as they both slams Mr. Incredible and the bad guys onto the ground.

"It's cool, huh? Zero-point energy. I saved the best inventions for myself" He starts throwing Bob around with his ZPE arm.

While Thomas hoist the bad guys up, he looks back then he smiles mischievously as he gets an idea.

"How about a swim"

"Am I good enough NOW?! Who's super NOW?!?!? I'm Syndrome! Your nemesis and e-!"

Syndrome makes a grandiose gesture with his arms, inadvertently flinging Mr. Incredible into the jungle.

"Oh, brilliant"

Bob lands somewhere in the water while Thomas throws the bad guys in the water joining him.

Syndrome spots him and flies towards him, Thomas joins him with his rocket stalled in his soles.

"Let's finished this" Thomas nods to syndrome.

Bob jumps down with the bad guys following.

while Syndrome watches them falling into the bade of a waterfall.

He taps a button in his wrist cuffs, which activates a tiny bomb.

"All right, try this one on for size, big boy"

"Good bye...BAD GUYS!"

He drops it to the base of the waterfall.

Bob and the others spots the bomb, they swam away from it and he tries to swim away from it, although he and wolf were soon caught in the blast.

He and wolf emerges out of the water, gasping, in a cave system. He turns his head, and leaps back, realizing they both are face to face with a skeleton.

"AH" they both panicked and Slowly, mr incredible moves back towards the skeleton, noticing that it has an eye visor and a cape.

" Gazerbeam"

"Who?" Wolf asked.

He looks in the direction of Gazerbeam's gaze wolf looks back to sees a pattern carved into the rocks, he moves and they both reads out a word of the pattern.


"Mr. Incredible? Who or what's Kronos"

"I don't know but i think we-"

But suddenly wolf hears a probe entering the cave.

"Shh...somethings coming"

They hide behind Gazerbeam's skeleton. The probe scans the room, does a quick of Gazerbeam's skeleton and leaves. The view cuts to the probe returning to Syndrome's wrist cuff.

"Life readings negative. Mr. Incredible and the bad guys terminated"

He walks away with a satisfied smile along with Thomas.

"So Tell me more about your daughter" syndrome asked.

Meanwhile back at Edna's Helen was puzzled out of her mind.

"So let me get this straight" she was pacing back and forth as princess and Diane watched her.

"Princess had a super power called cutism, which is hypnotizing with her cuteness, which she was born with bad got it from her father, Thomas chesterfield who was once a millionaire but was found out to be a grains and tried to kill princess"

"Yeah; that's right"

"And now your telling me that bob is on a secret mission"

"Well, I assumed you knew, darling. Why would he keep secrets from you?"

"H-he wouldn't-didn't-doesn't"

"A few men at Robert's age are often unstable. Prone to weakness"

"And knowing wolf, he and the others probably joined him to get back in the game" Diane says.

"What are you saying?" Helen asked.

"What those this mean Diane?" Princess asked as She grabs her arm.

"It means your dad is an lot of trouble when I find him"

"Do you know where he is?"

"Afraid not edna" Diane says then they turned to princess.

"Oh...I Don't really know, they never tell me where they are going, you know wolf Diane, grant not very always honest with me"

Which leaves all eyes on Helen, "Of....cours-"

"Do you KNOW....where he is?"

THE BAD GUYS IN: the incrediblesWhere stories live. Discover now