하나 hana

46 3 0

"One, two...we promise to work together!" Hinata and Kageyama chanted.

(Bro you really had to say it as if no one heard it-)

"What if you lose?" Daichi asked.

"We'll accept the penalty of your choice," Kageyama answered.

Suddenly, a new voice butt in.

"Your synchronization is crappy."

The five students whipped their heads at the sudden newcomer.

"GYUWAH?!" -Hinata

"E-EH?!" -Kageyama

"C-cool girl..." -Tanaka

"Ah?" -Sugawara

"Uhm, who are you?" the captain asked.

"Oh...my name...Adachi Suki, I guess," the voice replied. "I'm here because Ennoshita-san and Narita-san invited me."


Ennoshita quickly jogged to the entrance. "[y/n]-san! Did you get lost?"

"No." was the quick reply.

"Then how did it take you so long to find the gym?" asked Ennoshita.

"I forgot," [y/p] said, resulting in a few sweatdrops.

"Come inside, [y/n]-san. I already told Shimizu-san about you, she's been waiting."

"K," the girl complied.

"...Let's get back to the topic at hand. This should work. Two other first-years are going to be joining us. We'll have you play them, three-on-three. It's a match we hold every year for our new members to see what they're like," Daichi decided.

"But three-on-three?" Hinata asked. "Who will be playing on our side?"

"Tanaka, I want you to be on their side on game day." the captain told him.

"What? Me?" said boy initially protested before conceding to Daichi's cajoling. "If you insist! I'll do it." Jumping down the steps, he began patting the tangerine boy's shoulder forcefully. "Happy to hear that?"

Deadchi announced, "So, in the event that you lose, for the remainder of my time at this school, Kageyama will not be allowed to play setter."

"Huh?" -Kageyama

"Is that all?" -Hinata

(Oh Hinata, if only you knew the weight of those words for Kageyama.)

He continued, "A team can't win with a grandstanding-[one hit!], over-aggressive-[double hit!], egocentric setter. [K.O.!]

 "What's the matter? I'm not saying that your application will be rejected. I'm sure you can easily handle other positions."

At that, the blueberry boy gasped. "I'M A SETTER!" he barked.

"Then win," came the reply. "You though you could win because you thought you could win without any help, right?"

"What about me? I'm here too!" Hinata piped up.

"The match is Saturday morning!" Daichi finished.

"I'm here too, y'know!" the smallest boy repeated.

"Listen up! Your Tanaka-senpai here is going to train you-" he never got to finish, being dragged into the gym before the doors shut.

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