いち ichi

21 2 0

"...at. Brat Brat!" Someone was bending over you, shaking you awake.

"Shinkei-nii?" you groggily muttered, opening your eyes.

"You finally woke up, brat. Get up, it's past 10:30 now."

Shooting up from your bed (and nearly knocking your cousin out in the process), you whipped your head to face him. "Eh? Did I somehow sleep through my alarm again...?"

"Geez brat, you startled me! Are you trying to kill me? And no, I turned it off. Best for you to get at least eight hours of sleep last night, given how many all-nighters you've been pulling these past few days. Don't think I don't notice the computer light from your bedroom! There's no classes today and tomorrow if you forgot," Keishin rambled on, before finishing with a "I made pancakes/waffles for breakfast."

"...There an occasion or summ'?" you asked.

"I-brat, did you seriously forget? ...Nevermind, you'll figure it out later." With that, he turned around and exited your room.

Sighing, you sadly rose and bid farewell to your bed. "When I am with you there's no place I'd rather be..."

"Coming down the stairs, you were greeted with the aroma of freshly made pancakes/waffles stacked on two plates. As terrible as Keishin was when it came to cooking most food (he actually put cold soba in the refrigerator after cooking because "it needs to be cold like its name", smh), he wasn't bad at all when it came to cooking your favorite foods. You teased him about it, which resulted in vehement denial. ("I-I only did so because Gramps would kill me if you complained about the food to him!")

Speaking of the said cousin, he had pulled out a chair for you and was seated on his, pouring honey syrup on his serving. "There's butter already," he pointed to the butterfall cascading down the stack on yours. Nodding, you washed your hands and joined him. "Itadakimasu," the both of you bowed in unison before digging in.

"Yum," you hummed as you finished the last bite of your meal. Standing up, you walked over to the sink to wash the dishes when your cousin stopped you. "I'll be the one washing the dishes today, brat. Just place them there." Blinking at his behavior, you complied.

"...I'll be in my room if you need me..." you pointed towards the stairs before climbing up and entering your room, shutting the door behind you.

Ukai heaved a sigh of relief once you left. "Stage one done now on to stage two. But first I have to wash these plates..."

Plopping on your swivel chair, you turned your laptop on before grabbing your drawing pad. Once the screen lit up, you logged in and opened Crunchyroll, pausing to decide which anime to watch. Do I watch JJBA today...? Nah, watched that already. Tokyo Revengers...? Eh... Huh, Noragami doesn't sound bad. Let's give it a go. Putting your headphones on, you vibed along with Goya No Machiawase.

Rinsing the soap suds off the pan, Keishin took his apron off and dried his hands. Grabbing his phone, he scrolled down the list of contacts until he reached one marked "Responsible #1". Calling it, it rang thrice before it was picked up.

["Coach?"] Daichi's voice came.

"The brat's currently preoccupied, have you lot finished setting the gym up yet?"

["A-ah, yes...well, almost. Hinata and Kageyama are fighting over where to place the decorations-" at that, a "Boke Hinata boke!" could be heard in the background- "but other than that, everything's pretty much ready,"] the captain answered.

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