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How did Kageyama know that [y/n] is a senpai? (넷 net)

"Aaaand Nishida Yuuhi breaks through Kyoto Dreamer Miyazu's defense! What power! That was a perfectly timed spike! JHSK Stings certainly is lucky to have him!"

The commentator sang nothing but praises about the volleyball player. Dark blue eyes trained intently on his figure could find no wrong. The moment was replayed, every little movement under scrutiny. The position. The timimg. The angle. It was perfection-

"Nice kill."

Taken by surprise, Kageyama gave a yelp. He was lucky that neither Hinata nor Tsukishima was there, or else he would hear no end to it. You were squatted next to him, eyes fixed on the screen in his hand. It took a few seconds for your eyes to meet.

"Adachi-san?! What are you doing here? N-not that you shouldn't be here-"

You cut off his ramblings. "Why am I here again...? Oh...something about going to practice together with Ennoshita, Kinnoshita, and Narita...I think..."

The blueberry took a few moments to say, "Adachi-san...are you a senpai?" When you affirmed it, he paused. Does he call you with senpai, or continue with san like his other upperclassmen? For some reason, he wanted to address you properly (senpai), but the others would question him. Unlike a certain wing spiker, you hadn't asked to be called senpai after all.

Seemingly sensing his internal mini-conflict, you spoke up. "...I don't really mind honorifics...you can call me without them if you want..." You were about to add something when a voice cut in.

"[y/n]-san, sorry to keep you waiting. Oh? Hey, Kageyama." It was Narita, with the other two -itas beside him.

"Oh...better get going then...goodluck, Kageboy..." you left the first-year's side and joined the trio, them giving respectful nods to their kouhai.

Though the blueberry setter was a bit sad to see you go, he was happy to have gained information to scold Hinata-boke with. Hehehe...

Remember when "Yu" invited [y/n] to Tokyo? Well here it is. (いち ichi)

Shibayama Yuki would be lying if he said he was 100 percent confident. It wasn't because you were coming; you had gone on dates hung out many times before. The logical part of him knew that you would like anything you did together (no, get your minds out the gutter), but he couldn't help but think the maybe you were faking it-no Yuki, don't think that! How could he doubt you like that? You didn't have a filter; you couldn't lie. Unless you were necessarily covering for someone else, you made a face every time you didn't tell the truth. 4-no, 5 years of friendship wasn't exactly long, but he'd heard stories and picked up on quite a bit of your habits by now.

So why in the whole wide world was he feeling nervous?

While he was focused on his inner monologue, he failed to notice a figure making their way out of the gates and over to him, only noticing after a few moments of staring.

"A-ah, Su-chan! Sorry, I didn't see you there," he sheepishly exclaimed. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your birthday in person."

"It's fine...I'm not big on birthdays anyway..." you reassured, giving him a one-armed hug which he reciprocated.

As you exited the Tokyo Station, you asked, "Why'd you say to meet up here instead of Nerima Station again?"

"Oh, well, we always meet up at Nerima, so I thought a change would be nice. There's a new amusement park in this city. I thought we could check it out..." he trailed off unsurely.

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