02: Trouble Girl

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It had been a few months now. You were working alongside the FBI, Zeller and Price were your new best buds and you would often prank Will and Hannibal. Hannibal was harder to prank but Will was an easy target and that's what made it fun.

But today you had accidentally eave's dropped on one of Hannibal's sessions with Will while they were in the lab. You announced you were there by saying, "That guy sounds like a total asshole. Even I'd wanna kill him.. That's not a far stretch actually, I kill people and am often killed myself in my dreams so eh." You shrugged, still ordering things in a drawer while the two turned and looked at you as if you honestly were their next victim. But Hannibal liked you too much to kill you.

Well, liked was a strong word, it was more that he found you a curious case.

"Ms. L/N. I want to see you at one of my sessions. When would you be free?" Asked Hannibal lightly.

You quirked a brow slowly and said, "Don't change the subject. Also, I don't needtherapy. There are plenty of people who need your help. Not me. I'm gucci fam- OOO!" You then skit off into another room, throwing a cloth into the air but catching it before it hit the floor and easily tucking it away in its place in the drawer.

"Will. Did you see? They are... different." Hannibal asked, gesturing to the cloth you'd just so effortlessly placed.

  "Okay, I'm back, had to pick up a watch I left with Price to fix.. it simply wouldn't stay timed." You told the empty room. "Oh.. okay. Bye then..."

You got a text from Will after work to come by his home. So, you did. You went with him to his home where he was called over to Mason's home, pressumably the piggish man they'd been talking about earlier. 

  "What's all this then?" You asked, frolicking over in your nice, long, bouncy skirt. You wade through the snow towards them and the man, Mason asked who you were. "Why I'm Will's friend, Y/N!" You smiled at the men and Will said, "Friend is a stretch."

Mason let you join them. So, you got into the cab with Will and the stranger, Mason.

Will rolled his head on his shoulder.

  "What's wrong, Will? You not happy I'm coming with you guys?" You asked him.

"It's not that.. I just don't want to drag you into something you weren't a part of to begin with-" Will sighed outwardly.

"Oh hush now! Mr Graham, don't you know that women will always be right. And she is right to join us here today!" Mason exclaimed, patting Will's back to get a croak from him. Even though it was a croak of dissaproval, still. It was all Mason was looking for.

You acted all smiley and laughed with Mason, you even moved with a brilliant act of being simple and stupid. And honestly, that made Will respect you that bit more but also be intrigued by your real self. Seriously, who are you?

"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with beautiful~" Mason said, playing the game.

  "Tree?" You asked.

Will quizzed a brow at you realising how you were serious. 'huh, they like nature... good to know, I guess'.

Will thought, trying to know where to go now with you as part of the plan.

"No, silly! It was beautiful lady in my cab~ You, baby~ Are you single?" Mason asked.

  "Hehehehe, maybeeee~" You flirted back, turning your head to look directly into Will's eyes where he realised there was utter disgust and contempt in your eyes.

So different.

You were an entire puzzle. He knew Hannibal was going to eat this up... not literally for once.

Hannibal x Reader x Will (NBC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα