05: Mummy's Girl

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You woke up to a scent of bacon and eggs. Your eyes peeled open and a groggy wail fell from your lips when you realised someone else was in the bed with you. You fell out of the bed but the person managed to grab you before you hit your head on the floor. 

It was Will.

He caught the back of your head which he cradled mercifully and had his other hand under your the bend of your knees, grounding your both still on the bed - even though you were way off the edge of the bed.

  "Will.." You breathed his name.

He stared into your eyes with care.

"Y/N." He breathed back.

  "Could you uhh.. reel us back on land?" You asked, making a fish analogy.

"Oh- right. Sorry, yes. Absolutely, can do that.." Will said, easily heaving you back onto the mattress and kneeling with your seating self on the white bed.

  "Wha.. Who the fuck undressed me?!" You yelled, voice breaking from it being too early and as you jumped up you just fell right back on your face, butt in the air, body slumped.
"Woah woah! Take it easy, you just woke up!" Will exclaimed with caution.
  "Urrrgggh.." You groan. "I fucking hate low iron.." You sighed and rolled over, "Probs gone have my period soon..."
"Is that the only reason you think you're fatigued often?" Asked Will, trying to get you to admit to the truth.
You could tell something was up with him, you turned around from the edge of the bed where you now were about to slip off of, to look back at Will over your shoulder. "Well, it's either that or the pent up stress and rage I keep locked away from my strong family expectations or the fact if I even so much as talk at the wrong time I'm beaten senseless but wake up the next morning only to find that I have no recollection of the bruises littering my collarbone and knees." You intook a breath. "Only the memoirs and journals of poetry and art show considerable amounts of memory that I would have otherwise been unbeknownst to." 

A silence fell.

Will had listened intently and then you cackled out loud, playfully punching his chin, saying, "Gah, you're so easy to fool. You should talk to Hannibal about that.." You then hummed and skipped off.

"Wait, Y/N, so.. that was all a lie?" Will asked.
  "What was?" You asked.
"What you just.. said?" Will asked, seeing if you were lying now or you truly had forgotten everything. Again.
  "What that y'all stripped me and redressed me? Yeah well obviously, I'm still in my normal clothes as I was in yesterday. Bro, I meant my socks are gone. And either that means we've had sex and I don't remember, or I or one of you took em off'a me last night. So, which is it, BOIOIOIOIOIOIooos~" You hail to an invisble air of worthy royals.

Will stared blankly for a moment then stood up and followed after you into the kitchen where Hannibal had put out breakfast on dishes at the table.

  "English Breakfast, what a fancy fuck you are!" You skip over and pick up a fried egg, wobbling it and saying an onomatopeic sound, like, 'oogly boogly'.

Hannibal smirked with a soft chuckle whereas Will asked Hannibal to talk a moment.

Hannibal nodded and said, "Help yourself to whatever you want, I can always make more~" He left you with a gentle touch to your elbow and a quick inhale of your scent. 

Divinity and now it was mixed with his and Will's scent from sleep, how erotic~

Hannibal left to speak with Will who informed him of your forgetfulness just moments prior. To which Hannibal replied with, "I may need to keep a tally soon. But I have a fear they may have been doing this long before.. meaning there may be little we can do to undo such behavioural patterns."

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