04: Sad Girl

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(song just for vibes)

Hannibal chose up.

He walked up the stairs with little to no sweat having been broken. He reached the roof and he looked around not finding you, he saw a woman over the edge walking towards a car and they looked like you. Hannibal was about to narrow his eyes and squint when they turned around and looked up at him, your face wasn't like theirs but he heard your distant voice ask, "Hannibal? WHAT YOU DOIN' UP THERE, YA SILLY GOOSE?"

Hannibal searched all around for you but he couldn't see you. He was baffled. He shouted back, "I was BRINGING YOU YOUR HOODY BACK!"

And in suit he began taking off the garment, a sudden piece of music began playing, it was Marvin Gaye's Let's Get it On.

Hannibal stopped taking off the hoody and had it loosely around his shoulders. He stared at where the music came from and found a phone on the ledge. He tapped on it to stop it but it played another video instead... It was Rick Astley. 

Hannibal frowned with a deep crook to his brows as he stared at the piece of tech.

Just then the door to the roof burst open with a wheezing you and an out of breath Will. Your hands entwined. Hannibal picked up on that right away.

"Well.. What a sight." Hannibal commented with a jealous air about him.

Will panted and said, "Why did we have to run?!" 
  "I wanted to see Hanni-boo's reaction to the Rickrolling!!" You stated as if it were obvious.
Will rolled his eyes and took his hand back from you to hold his kneecaps as he hunched and heavily breathed the much needed oxygen.

Hannibal stared at you and realised something. He stepped forward quickly and grabbed you before you fully just died on them.

Will looked up quickly, unable to know what had happened fully before you were a limp vegetable in Hannibal's arms.

"Wha- What did you do to her? I thought we liked them-" Will asked worriedly.
"She overworked herself again.." Hannibal answered with concern in his softened features.
Will watched him, utterly distracted by how considerate his psychotic face could look in such a  sincere moment and with such little light, only moonlight encapsulating his feathery hair fanning over and tickling your forehead as he knelt with you down to the roof's cement.

Hannibal set you on your back, head resting on the bend of his knee and coarse muscles of his thigh. "Will. I need you to record her heartbeat. Put your head to her chest and start counting when I tell you to."
Will nods and quickly shifts to sit beside you, ear to your chest and eyes searching as he tries to find it. 
"Can you hear it?" Hannibal asked.
"Yeah.. but it's erratic-" Will said.
"Well you two did just scale 5 flights of stares in under 5 minutes." Hannibal reasoned. Will nodded and listened again. "Start counting, Will." 

Will did so.

A minute passed.

Hannibal asked, "How many?"
"160." Will commented.
Hannibal pushed him off of you and began giving you mouth to mouth.

"Wh- What's wrong with them!?" Will asked. "C-can I help? Should I call someone!?" Will worried quickly.
Hannibal put a finger up to him to hush him and Will silenced, kneeling back down beside his friend and watched on with impatient concern.

Suddenly you cough and splutter.

Will takes a breath he didn't realise he was holding himself and scuffled forth to make sure you were okay. Hannibal patted your back and motioned for Will to take his place.

He did so. He made sure to console you as you coughed and heaved oxygen back into your body.

"Do you want something to drink? Are you okay?" Will asked.
You nodded, looking around.
Will realised he didn't have anything to give you, "Hannibal have you got any water on you?" 
Hannibal shook his head and watched as you said you were fine in a raspy voice.

Hannibal x Reader x Will (NBC)Where stories live. Discover now