09: New New Girl

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You and Hannibal had in fact had a beautiful night of passion full of dominant biting, fighting for said dominance,kissing til your mouth felt numb and dirty talk consisting of planning kills about people close to you guys - friends, family and of course enemies.

Though now you, he and Will were having perhaps what could be your last supper together. Which of course Hannibal had prepared. Abigail was sat at the table too and you found the two of you got along rather well actually.
You chittered about all kinds of things, ranging from how you guys liked your eggs to how you guys liked your partners. Abigail had told you how she had a boyfriend but he was mysoginistic and luckily left the state for some reasons or another - she expressed how content she was with breaking that kind of relationship. You smiled at her soothingly and then was taken aback when the young girl asked, "So... are you guys all a thing?.. Like... I'm not judging, nothing wrong with it, I just feel as though you're acting rather 'step-mom'ish that's all."

You, Han and Will stared at her.

Will then said, "N-no Abigail, you don't have to- uhm.. worry? about that sort of.. thing?" Will looked back at Hannibal and you as if trying to determine what you guys in fact you were. Coming to no solid conclusion, he sighed nasally and shook his head, chin lowered from defeat, brows knitted.

  "Well... What have I been saying, Hanni-bear?" You asked him while crunching down on your petrified fruit from the cocktail that he had made you personally.
Hannibal stared horrified at how you just.. yompshed it. You knew what you were going to say about eating that like.. that so he didn't bother saying it, knowing you would ignore his words of food wisdom. "What's that, dear?"

You got up and danced around the dinner table, galloping towards Abigail, you took her hand and asked her to go dim the lights then put on the middle one. She smiled and got up, enjoying your confusing theatrics ideology.

You sang, "You are.. my fire~.....s. 
My two desireeees~
when I say,
Let's have a threeway~"

You step forward on one of Hannibal's fancy chairs, elegantly dropping it down over and repeating, "TELL ME WHY can't we have a threeway?"

Will practically stopped working and just stared at you with a sudden breathless laugh that spiralled into full on, hearty laughter.
Whereas Hannibal looked expectant for an answer from Will, he had already taken you from right under his nose, so now they really should have you together, right?

"Will. What do you say?" Hannibal asked him expectantly rubbing his thumb pads against one another, checking his eyes over them before looking back up to peer into Will's eyes.
Will looked back and said, "You can't be serious-"
  "You want me to go from the top?" You asked, nodding to Abigail who nodded back.
"No, Abigail, come and sit down, you don't need to work the lights for Y/N's theatrics-" Will stated, urging Abigail over.
Abigail nodded awkwardly and came to be seated at the table again.

Hannibal and you were still waiting on Will's answer.

Will's laugh petered out to a slow drawl of a sigh. 

"Why not?" Hannibal asked curiously.

He shook his head and said, "Because!"

You and Abigail shared a look, then Hannibal and she had and she was off, flipping the light switch and up on the table you stood, Hannibal now standing to join your theatrics in a lesser effect; "TELL US WHY-EEEEEE---" You croaked comedically.

Your hand was extended to Will and Hannibal mirrored you.

Will stayed sat and said, "I thought you were better than this-" He accusingly waggled a finger at Hannibal before taking his seat out to leave.
When Hannibal quipped, "Abigail. Go to your room and do not leave until I give you permission."

Hannibal x Reader x Will (NBC)Where stories live. Discover now